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Anyone know how @aaronmorris is getting on?
He hasn't been on since 2nd August. I sent him a PM at the beginning of September, just asking how he was, but he hasn't been on to pick that up.
IIRC one or two members lived near by.
I was wondering too, I put up a post a few weeks ago, but haven't heard from him.
Hopefully, he's just creating a bit of space in his new shed and he's still going to rescue Landies.
Yeah hopefully it's just that. And not the constant working on Landies has broken his spirit!!! Lol I'm sure I have him on Facebook in my friends list I'll send him a wee message to say hi and make sure he's ok in the morning after work he did like some pics I posted on there couple weeks ago of my rebuild.
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Yeah hopefully it's just that. And not the constant working on Landies has broken his spirit!!! I'm sure I have him on Facebook in my friends list I'll send him a wee message to say hi and make sure he's ok in the morning after work he did like some pics I posted on there couple weeks ago of my rebuild.
I met Aaron once he is a very private person but he certainly knows how to get stuck in work wise, which can be seen from his rebuild threads, If I were running my own business I would be knocking on his door.
Come on Aaron show us what you've been up to keep wondering about the new workshop.
Messaged Aaron he's been busy with work the past 3-4 months and not had much free time. But says he's good and will pop in to say hello when he gets a minute
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Messaged Aaron he's been busy with work the past 3-4 months with work and not had much free time. But says he's good and will pop in to say hello when he gets a minute
Excellent. :) cheers for finding out. Now we just need him on here with another rebuild thread. :D
Hello chaps, not to worry, all is good at the mill, and I hope you chaps are keeping well too? I have just been somewhat busy for the last few months.
To give you an update, I finished the garage itself mid July, but then spent a further 2 months moving stuff in, removing the old garage and shed and laying paths etc taking me to mid September time ish.
Since then it has been work, work, work, I think I have mentioned it before, but I am currently working in Halifax town centre on a 66 flat project, which is meant to be finished for Christmas, I say not possible, but the powers that be say yes, yes it can.. So who am I to argue. It will just get flooded with labour come crunch time and end up a sh*t storm.
Not that it helps when the lad I work with has just had a 3 week holiday in Australia, it's alright for some ay.. :rolleyes: Not that I blame him really, fair play to the lad I say.

So that said, I haven't even touched a project since probably March ish time, I currently couldn't do a lot in the garage at the moment anyway as it's that full of crap, and I am slowly sorting through things and as torsionbhudda pointed out I have been listing a few bits on ebay as and when I find them, and it is getting tidier in their :oops:

Will I be back with another project? The honest answer is I don't know.
I have had some thinking time whilst I haven't been working on them and I don't know what I want anymore, what I have realised is, it's the project side I want over and above anything else, and, well... that just seems daft, you put too much time, effort and most importantly money into them to get at the end a very expensive garden ornament.
I dare say I will be back at some point with another, maybe things will change, or maybe I just need a break.
Because I can't just leave them behind me altogether, I still need something to put my spare time, energy and enthusiasm into, and I don't exactly do a lot else other than work, so I have been thinking of other ways to do it without spending mega money restoring full vehicles, I half thought about doing how-to video's on youtube, but god only knows how that would turn out.. :oops:

Anyway, sorry for the long reply chaps, I have rambled on as per usual, I just thought it's only right to pop in and say hello as I've had a few people get in touch wondering if everything was ok.
It's about time anorl :):p
Great to hear from you and to find out you are ok and full of busy.
Hmmmmm............potentially bad news about the rebuilds :rolleyes: We all love a good Aaron rebuild thread. :D
I think there's loads of potential for you to make money from the skills you have developed and experience you've accrued. If not getting commissioned to do full rebuilds, then you could do gearbox, diff refurbs etc.
Anyway, good to see you back on LZ. :)
Ah, there you are. Good to hear you're OK.

Yes, get busy and make us some Youtube videos of your activities. I'm sure they'd be excellent.

Would you ever fancy working on something other than a Land Rover? Just for a bit of a change? For example I'm getting really strong urges to buy an AEC Matador. I've even started saving up for one. Maybe by this time next year I'll be posting pictures of my new four wheel drive friend.
For those interested here is a few pictures of the shed build.
Thoroughly enjoyed building it, just a lot of hard work doing everything on your own.




View attachment 135632


Even managed to swindle an old meter off a job.
Well I always get the finger pointed at me for 'using all the electric' o_O


Time to move the project in..


Was pretty pleased with how much room I had around it.
Not quite like that now mind, too much crap in their :oops:



Bye bye old garage, your past your best and I was sick of getting leaked on :eek:




Ugh... more digging, I forget how many skips I had.




And finished at last. Going to revisit the drive next year, but at least for now it's not just a muddy bog.

Awesome job, as always expected from yourself...LOL.

Just one question? do you have a metal detector to find all the lost nuts , washers and bolts lost in the gravel.

Great Job there Aaron,Now get back to having fun with Landies...LOL

Great to see you back, might have expected you would have done something epic in the break, expect it will be a full scale repleca of the Taj Mahall next.
Always thought it's a pity you don't have business premises I am sure many people would love an AM special.
Have a feeling the new workshop won't be idle for long.
Looking good. I see you've put membrane in it and added an inner skin too. I didn't do that with mine because it's in Wales so everything is damp anyway and you can at least allow the moisture to escape if there isn't anything to trap it. It's great getting the roof on and all of a sudden you have something that keeps the rain out.

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