
New Member
Good afternoon everyone, I hope we find you well.

Just to explain a little bit, we are Land Rover newbies, having only been proud owners for the last 3 weeks. We purchased our Defender 110 after much thought, deliberation, searching of this great forum and in the end, we told our brains to do one, followed our hearts and bought Ken (our Defender) anyway. We couldn't be happier.

We are off on a journey. We set sail on Saturday from Manchester and visit France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Slovenia (where we will get married - well done us). Then on to Croatia, Bosnia Hertzgovina, Montenegro, Austria, Germany, The Netherlands and back to blighty.

It's our wedding adventure.

I was hoping to get some more expert knowledge from you guys before we go. Tips (driving or otherwise), advice, must packs and anything else you might think of.

Cheers, Datie
Same decision process that I went through... :)
That's quite an adventure you've got planned there (even without a Defender), feeling quite envious.

Might help if you say what model you have, maybe advice is type specific.
There's loads of more experienced hands than I on here who'll be glad to help, and others who might be a bit grumpy about it. ;)
Something I learned recently that I'm happy to pass on though - don't trust a cheap airbed!

Wishing you all the best and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.
(Don't forget we likes piccies. No piccies, it didn't happen :D )
Is it a camping/expedition type trip or will you be staying in hotels? That's a nice part of Europe you are going to, I plan to go to Albania perhaps in September this year. As above, please post some pics
Hey guys,

Thanks for the replies, we didn't have chance to log on before our trip so we failed to reply. So. Safe to say that the whole adventure was a roaring success. We covered 3894 miles in just over 3 weeks. There were 21 boarder crossings, 13 countries, 1 wedding and endless memories. Our Ken didn't miss a beat and was a joy to drive. We did have someone smash one of the windows along the way but that is being replaced this week. We can't wait to set sail again. Pictures below. (hopefull). Long live Landys.


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