
New Member
The name is Andrew but everyone calls me Sinky im from Cornwall and 21!
Am in the process of buying a Land Rover Defender and wanted to get involved so hello to all!!!!!!!!
I live in clay county (china town), about 10 minutes outside of St.Austell. Its quiet but thats not always a bad thing! You know Cornwall well?
I live in clay county (china town), about 10 minutes outside of St.Austell. Its quiet but thats not always a bad thing! You know Cornwall well?

lived ear fer 25 years!
I'm in Liskeard / Looe area.
Oddie is in Losty.
I was up your way last weekend, couldnt see a thing in Looe, sea fog causing all sorts of problems.

Was born and raised in Cornwall and you wont find be living anywhere else, you cant beat it!
Hi, Sinky popped down through your neck of the woods a few weeks back to pick up my new 90, bought it off eBay from a bloke that lives in St Austell... had to go to his parents house near the Eden project to pick it up though... fab landy.. only nearly fell out twice on the way back... other half was driving and the passenger door is all rotted, plus the door lock was a bit shagged! lol no harm done though and it made it home to near Yeovil in Somerset in one piece... mostly!

Beautiful area though and I can understand why you wouldn't want to live anywhere else... good luck getting your landy... I luv em!

cheers Alex
Thanks for the heads up beast o Bodmin, will keep one eye open!!!!!!

Just to inform the ones who give a monkeys I have picked up my new Land Rover Defender and i cant stop driving it. I drive an older one all day at work but give me half a chance and im in mine! There will be pictures soon

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