come on if yer gonna bad mouth someone at least have the decency to say why. you can't just say "he's a bad man" and leave it at that.
if yer not gonna say why in public then why have you brought it to our attention?
if you tell us why, in your opinion the he is a **** then he can answer and we can make up our own minds.
what you are doing is dirty low down back stabbing.
come on be a man and say what it is you have to say.
wot has this dew done its doing my head in i need to know some one please tell us and we can make our own minds up
slob said:
if you tell us why, in your opinion the he is a **** then he can answer and we can make up our own minds.

The best way you can make up your own minds is to get to know him yourselves, but as you want some facts as to why some people are not happy with him, they are as follows.

Dew1911 signed up on our forum as a 24 yearold working in communications and owning a P38 Range Rover on 17th April 2005

His real age only came to light after he admitted it in December of 2005, after making over 3000 posts on the forum, giving advice based on his past experences, and when any forum memebr disagreed with his advice, his normal tac was to threaten them with some form of violent act.

He was given several chances to resolve his mistakes, including chances to apologise to those he needed to apologise to. He did not change his style of posting and continued as previously.

Basically the demands by members for his removal from the forum grew to a point where he had to be banned.

Having said that, hopefully he has learned his lesson, and it is noticed he has joined your forum with the correct age, so maybe he has learned his lesson, and will be a valuable member of your forum. The problem is now Slob, that it is all out in the open, as you wished, which means it is very hard for him to start with a clean slate. With regards to him disputing any of the above, he will have a hard time, as we have all the evidence, to back up the above, and it is still on open public viewing.

If admin want to delete these posts to allow Dew a second chance, please feel free to do so.
Na then Dew, sin ya about on the MC. Wise choice wi a 110, nearly as good as a 90.

This Lad has registered on another forum i use a lot and seems to be posting sensibly so maybe He is going to behave and has grown out of the other sillyness.
yeah we don't want no silly going ons here... honestly some people!!!
he gave the wrong age, lets hang him and as for the threats, what possible threats could he carry out through a keyboard and some phone wires. i think y'awl need to go down the skin shop and buy some thicker skin.
i do believe its these ****s that are stiring the ship. do they trawl the net looking for this dude just so they can bad mouth him? its a mite strange that he turns up here them these other dudes appear. the whole thing stinks like my socks on a sunday night
i would say let the lad stay see how he is with us like you say theres alot of people out there s**t stiring could of happened to any of us
slob said:
i do believe its these ****s that are stiring the ship. do they trawl the net looking for this dude just so they can bad mouth him? its a mite strange that he turns up here them these other dudes appear. the whole thing stinks like my socks on a sunday night

Sorry you feel that way slob,but if you look at the joining dates of the guys that have posted about dew some of the guys where here a few months or longer before dew was on the scene,i was one of the people that dew was telling lies to i dont find it a bit funny getting to know somebody over a 1yr period then telling them on new years day that some toe rag has rear ended your p38 and giving me the sob story,i offerd to go down and help the guy out which he lead me to belive he was in dia straights with it being new year i offerd to help with his claim and car etc

then found out by posts on forums and him then tell me what the real story was i feel sort of cheated

if it helps i have all msn/e-mails of the above to back up


ps...A leopard never changes his spots
bit of a d**k if he keeps the same name
i have not had any run ins with him but wat poeple are saying hes a right little ****
indeed mate @ the end of the day we are all here to help each other,otherwise there would be no point of these forums.I do understand some people tell the odd little white lie sometimes which isnt too bad but what he done was a joke over a 1 year period and to more than 1 person
surely he must of known what he was doing if he wanted to stop he could of stopped useing his name and started afresh with a new name @ anytime but he didnt

well i have said enuff and will no longer be posting/replying to anymore of these posts

Admin if you decide to let him use this forum i dont mind subject is closed in my eyes

Dew if you do read this mate i hope you have changed for the better
and happy postings

just had a lokk thought lruk and he has been a right little c**t thanks shanno_2k catch you around have a chat on a more fun note next time
lets face it, the internet is open to sad bull****ters all round. look at the sad fecks that post on dating sites saying they are 21 and slim when really they are 58 fat and bald. take it with a pinch of salt, thats my advise:)

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