
New Member
How can I remove this bolt ? (see pic) The top bolt gave up without too much of a fight but the lower is very stiff and on the verge off rounding off if I apply anymore pressure, the nut is off but the bolt is steadfast. I've tried using a hammer to tap it through but it wont move, i'me now thinking off heating it up, will this work ?


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Don't heat up the bolt itself as it will expand and become even more stuck, you need to heat up the metal surrounding the bolt so that expands in the hope of making the bolt loose
screw the nut back on the end though until its flush (if ya can) with the end of the bolt, that way you won't damage any threads on the bolt
screw the nut back on the end though until its flush (if ya can) with the end of the bolt, that way you won't damage any threads on the bolt

If it's that well siezed in the first place, By the time he has hammered 7 shades outta it wiv or wivout the nut it's gonna need replacing.:rolleyes:
did replace the nut before hitting it, will try heat tommor I dont want to force it in case it causes more problems !
Keep it well soaked in WD40 or Plusgas overnight too... then try whacking it a few times, then twist it a bit, then more WD40, then whack it... you get the idea ;)

Softly softly catchee munkee :D
I sprayed it with WD last night,
I replaced the nut before tapping it with small lump hammer, also I put a piece or hard wood on the nut so's not to damage it,
Do it up slightly before you undo it. Then use a big fook off breaker bar and if necessary a magic nut undoer thingy.
try to tighten it a little and then slacken it off, i do this all the time at work and 9 times out of 10 it works if not then get some heat on it and i dont mean the magazine!!!
try to tighten it a little and then slacken it off, i do this all the time at work and 9 times out of 10 it works if not then get some heat on it and i dont mean the magazine!!!
there's a novel idea!
well pretty much as that lot say really ^^^^^^
can't think of owt other than soak in wd40, hit with big hammer, heat it up an hit it with a big hammer,

can you get a angle grinder to cut the head off the bolt an then tw#t it with a bar (punch or drift) an big hammer the other way,
if you no what i mean
or what about hammer a smaller socket onto the nut, the try an turn it with a big break bar.

or weld the socket onto the nut.

but this will fook up the bolt an you'll need a new one.

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