
New Member
Hello all!... I have seen on here somewhere that someone posted a photo of there sheet from the dealership with the results from there transmission test... I can not find it now.. but does anyone know how I can do an ohm's test on the solenoids through the connections on the top front of the transmission???.... Having a problem shifting when it is cold... it shifts real slow and almost slips... takes about 2 seconds to shift from 2-3 & 3-4....Thanks a bunch!
not sure if it's relevant, but it does shift differently when cold. This is a feature designed to let the engine warm up quicker.

sounds like BS, but is actually true.
Testing the resistance of the solenoids is only part of the story,all it tells you is that there is a circuit through the coil,measuring the current draw through them would be more help,but still only part of the picture.Removing them to see if the plunger can/will move is what needs to be done - make sure they are not jammed with swarf etc.
if you can isolate the ones likely to cause you issue,you are probably just as well to replace them.
Optimus:... I read about this somewhere but can you tell me more about this?..... How does it shift differently?.... Does it sound like my problem?... I bought this 2-3 weeks ago and it has done this ever since!.... If I'm on the throttle 1/2 way or so, it takes about 2 seconds to shift and seems to slip just a bit... the RPM's might climb 200-300 RPM's or so... If I feather the throttle it shifts just fine!
eightinavee:... I figure if i can check them out without removing them and know for a fact that one is bad.... I will order the 9 solenoid kit and replace them all... Anyone have any online info on rebuilding one of these transmissions?... I have done several manual trannys but never a auto!
jamesmartin:... That's good.... I found the instructions on how to change them out... but I do not have $350 to throw at it if it does not need it... I don't mind spending the $ if that will make it better... It does have an exhaust leak right now and plan to fix that this week... this might be making it seem worst than it really is with it being louder when it shifts... Thanks for the info guys... If someone has that pinout for the connectors... that would be great...
you could remove solenoids and test ,check oil if burnt ,dont worry about solenoids but look at clutch packs piston housing

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