
New Member
Hiya, new to the forum and owner of an 07 110 that came with a winch. I can't get it to work. I know that the clutch lever on the outside is used to release the cable and then you engage it to use the motor but I nothing happens when I insert the remote cable ( and turn it clockwise a little) and press a button. Am I missing something here?

Most wiches have an isolation switch somewhere in the cab, mine is on the outside of the battery compartment (between the passengers legs!)
I presume with it being an 07 model, the winch is a WARN 9.5xp. This model, if fitted by Land Rover, should have an isolation switch fitted. This will be fitted somewhere on the inseide of the vehicle, as already mentioned. his switch controls a solenoid which allows power to be supplied to the winch. once this switch is on, and your controller is connected, you should be able to winch. The clutch position has no effect on whether the remote control should work. (ie you should still hear the motor spinning, but with the clutch to freespool, you wont see the cable drum wind in or out)
If this is not workin, could be a faulty connection somewhere, could be a faulty solenoid in the isolation circuit, could be a faulty controller. If its all fitted by Land Rover, take it back. should be under warranty. If not, any auto electrician will be able to tell you 100% if theres power getting to the winch. From there, they may not specialise in winches, so may not be able to help further. A spark who knows winches should be able to fully diagnose prob.

Sound to me like its either faulty controller, or most likely a power problem. Most times when its a winch problem, you get telltale clicks and strange symptoms, like winches in but not out etc.

Hope this helps
Thanks guys I will check if there is a switch somewhere and use a multimeter to check power to the unit above the winch. I don't think it's fitted by Landrover it's one of those chinese t-max 1250 winches.
mine is on the outside of the battery compartment (between the passengers legs!)

Found this between the passengers legs. Any good?

Lol, that's the basic model so ok for emergencies...

Got it working. I opened the electric box above the winch and found that the earth wire had come off the spade connector. Reconnected and presto working. I also notice it was wired to the starter with no isolation switch :(.

Is there any way I can put the ugly box somewhere not visible and route the remote plug on the grill? anyone done this? There is not much space in a 07 landy (surprisingly)
Yes you can. You need to extend the wires coming from the solenoid box to the winch, and then move the box somewhere else. Its quite a common thing, as solenoids dont like water... The remote plug can be moved to. just extend the wires, or make an extension for it.
I have a cheapo t-max on my 90 and I extended the wires and managed to managed to mount it inside the battery box and just cut a hole under the passenger seat for the contoller to plug into. The cable on the controller should be long enough for you to be able to use it outside. I also fitted an isolator (also poking out between the passengers legs!) next to the control box, just thought it would be a bit safer with all these heavy cables squeezed into the battery box!!
sounds like a plan. I think I'll need more thick cable and an isolating switch. Is ebay the cheapest around?
Always a good idea to fit an isolator. Lots of reasons, two good ones are:
You have live electricity, with heavy duty cables, going to the front of the vehicle, ready to start a fire in an accident.
It makes it vary easy for someone to winch your motor onto a trailer in the middle of the night, they can then worry about unlocking it, beating immobilisers etc at there leisure.

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