
Active Member
Is there any particular way of knowing exactly what carburettor you have in your Land Rover? Any identifying marks or numbers? Mine is a Weber but I want to buy an overhaul kit for it but don't know what type of Weber it is? Having just discovered my Land Rover I bought 12 monthes ago had a Massey Ferguson Tractor fuel pump on it,I want to make sure what I have before buying the kit. Any advice very welcome of what to look for please?
Look up Weber 35Ich on google and see if it's what you've got. Or it could be anything. Is there a metal tab with some numbers on it? Post a piccie if you've got one.
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Just took a look, nice to see it is printed on the side of the casting as a Weber Tipo 34ICH. Any special relevance to the "Tipo" bit?
Tipo is italian for model which is just a regular 34ich weber (made in italy!). Good carb but gums up easy make sure you use an inline filter and a clean fuel pump gauze helps.
That's another job done. I bought the whole service kit plus gave it a good clean down. Have ordered a new fuel line from pump to carb to complete the job. I have never had an In line filter? Is it necessary and if so any recommendations? The pump has a filter gauze and the carb has a filter so do I need another one??????
Yup. I have a pic somewhere of a weber that didnt have an inline filter on it. Gummed to hell it was. They cost pence from a motor factor so its a no brainer to my mind.

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