Should be little metal washers round the tip of the sprayer. Sometimes peeps leave them out or there are two or three down the hole. I think this is where the carbon blows up around the injector. When you replace make sure you have one new washer down each hole as well as the big copper washer.
Myself, I have an old gas spanner, like a two legged steel fork bent at right angles, it is perfectly sized, the tips go under the two wings of the injector and it levers against the head, gives a nice straight hard pull and removes em no worries, takes a bit of patience if theyve not been out for years though.
Well now i have another problem.

The only local person ( well within cycling distance ) couldnt do them because he didnt have the adapter for his machine to fit my injectors and the only local he could borrow them from has retired and moved away!
Well now i have another problem.

The only local person ( well within cycling distance ) couldnt do them because he didnt have the adapter for his machine to fit my injectors and the only local he could borrow them from has retired and moved away!
Can you source an adapter off the net and get it mailed to you?
Can you source an adapter off the net and get it mailed to you?


I'm wondering whether just to go the whole hog and get a set of recon ones, because once i've got the surcharge back off a new recon set it'll be roughly the same cost as getting mine tested/reconned.
If you get a good set and they aint too dear you will not regret it, as Ive said before this kit lasts very well if you keep the fuel clean. New or good recons should go 40,000 miles+ trouble free in my experience.
I'm going to give my old boss a ring in the morning as he has several old masseys so he might know of someone who has the kit to test them that i can't find on internet.

If not then i'll order a recon set.
bout yer injectors

dont bother forking money out for someone to test them for you as its not nessecary have all the injector testing **** youll ever need under yer bonnet

just pipe the injectors up while theyre aiming skywards and not in the block and use the crank handle to turn the engine over while you watch for the spray pattern coming from them ( just make sure you dont squirt yerself with the buggers coz the pressure yer dealing with can blast diesel straight through yer skin and into yer bloodstream )

if they all squirt at the right time and dont dribble all yer need to do then is remove the buggers and soak them in thinners overnight then scrub with a toothbrush in the morning and theyll come up as clean as brand new

Got all the injectors back in, and the broken rocker replaced.

Bled it by cracking off injector pipe one by one to get every last bit of air out and then the bleed screw on the pump but it will not start!

It tries and nearly starter but just doesnt quite go, any ideas?
Bleed the pump before the injectors, otherwise the air will stop your injectors from working!

Think about it!

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