
Fitted my Light Guards today and they look awesome!
the rear ones are even easier, just a case of unscrew old lights and add the guards with new screws.

HOW TO: Fit Light Guards


aswell as your bits in the box you will need:
3mm Drill bit
7mm Drill bit
11mm Drill bit
Electric Drill
Masking tape
ruler/flat object
pencil/center punch

1) Stick on your template(included with your guards) using masking tape making sure you use a flat object to lineup against and there is a rad on the bumper.


2) Using the 3mm drill bit pilot the center hole.


3) Using the 11mm drill bit make the hole the correct size, make sure you drill it deep enough otherwise this will make the guard wonkey.


4) Insert the rubber grommets.


5) Put masking tape on the wing and insert your light guard into the grommets, use a pencil or center punch(as i did) to mark your next holes on the wing.


6) Drill a 3mm pilot hole again and then use the 7mm drill bit to make hole right size. push in the metal screw inserts.


7) put the guard into the grommets and then screw into the wing.
Stand back and look at your new awesome light guard! do the same for other side then have a brew :p.



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