Ok, on a running alternator there may be, what 14.4 volts (from memory topps.)

using: unknown amps = 100 / 12

then unknown amps is smaller ??? as we are unknown amps = 100 / 14.4.

That's the tricky thing about maths - it tends to assume simple relationships. If the voltage goes up the current will go up and so will the power 'cos there's a fourth variable which doesn't obey simple rules. It's the bulb filament resistance.
Use 12v in the sums 'cos everyone does - I'm just being an awkward pedant. The value of current a fuse blows at is also variable, they'll happily carry more than their rated current but they'll pop on a smaller load 'cos things like bulbs and motors take a surge current when switched on.
The main reason for fusing in a car is to stop it bursting into flames if there's a short circuit so use a big enough fuse for the load (total current plus a bit) but a small enough one so that the fuse burns out before the wiring does!
That's the tricky thing about maths - it tends to assume simple relationships. If the voltage goes up the current will go up and so will the power 'cos there's a fourth variable which doesn't obey simple rules. It's the bulb filament resistance.
Use 12v in the sums 'cos everyone does - I'm just being an awkward pedant. The value of current a fuse blows at is also variable, they'll happily carry more than their rated current but they'll pop on a smaller load 'cos things like bulbs and motors take a surge current when switched on.
The main reason for fusing in a car is to stop it bursting into flames if there's a short circuit so use a big enough fuse for the load (total current plus a bit) but a small enough one so that the fuse burns out before the wiring does!

Let's not add heating of cables and what it's run in/next to etc etc etc lol

I know that mostly applies to buildings but applied to vehicles to makes sense!! Especially modern ones with all this insulating sound proofing!! (sorry were on a landy forum..... I forgot..... What sound proofing lol!)

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