
New Member
What a day %#&!#.
I dare not mention everyone's a friend.
And my spelling sooks
Bought a beautiful roof rack from a friend. £60 bargain just needed a cut and weld to convert to my 90..soo I book another friend do do it.
I ratchet the whole thing to roof and set off to his workshop .. whoppee!
Get there to see yet another friend all 6.6 of him bearing down on me looking mightily ****ed.
That's my roof rack says he.. looking at his current mood I humor him and say I don't think so.. so he whips out mobile with footage of a camera with someone stealing said roof rack!
He offers to buy it back.. I refuse and say its his(I still think he think I stole it)
Dropped it off with him and have cuppa(makes everything better)
Off I trott with mixed feelings of betrail but mostly rage at losing my money and roof rack.
I go confront the guy I bought it off (whom I see everyday) to demand my money back knowing damn well I can't report any of it to the police as I'll probably get my yard torched , luckily I know all the people involved and its all being brushed under carpet..but I feel horrible ..mate 1 denies knowing it was stolen but coughed up the cash...
Now I'm in a situation where I've got roofrackphobia.. I really need one for work.. but I've convinced myself there all stolen.. I'm sure there's a moral in here somewhere ..anyway I suppose I can just resort to ratchet strapping everything around..
Glad everyone's got money and roof racks back but jeeez what a day..
Bad day for you. At least your mate got his rack back though! Would be nice if the same thing happened to you if yours was stolen
Could make your own out of some box steel ?

If you have the mounts, thats what I'd do, then you can make it to spec !

At least everyone is square in the short term, at some point the roof rack owner is going to ask you where you got it from, then you have trouble,
Could make your own out of some box steel ?

If you have the mounts, thats what I'd do, then you can make it to spec !

At least everyone is square in the short term, at some point the roof rack owner is going to ask you where you got it from, then you have trouble,

mounts can be made too.
Originally Posted by Jonnyb1990
Could make your own out of some box steel ?

If you have the mounts, thats what I'd do, then you can make it to spec !

At least everyone is square in the short term, at some point the roof rack owner is going to ask you where you got it from, then you have trouble,

I told him exactly where the roof rack came from! I also told him of the possibble repercussions that would probbably come my way if he tells police..
Needless to say he's a good friend and probably won't tell but really its his decision he could just report me but he is a real friend unlike the toe rag that sold me it if first place..

I think I will make one as I know it won't be nicked then!

Sadly this is the way of the world more and more these days.
Lesson learned....I still feel a guilty and a gullible prat!

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