Yeah I find it cleans up real good when hot. Doing it cold will be fine though, like you say, it ain't coming off :D
welds rust first........... most steel has a scale or finish on it from being shaped/worked from a ingot. when you welded it it was ground/prepped to clean/bare steel cooling down from welding to the current air temp will collect some moisture. Like your car windows do as a example
Are you sure it's rust and not just the brown coating you get when the gas shield has been blown off course a bit (or when the gas isn't flowing fast enough)?
Are you sure it's rust and not just the brown coating you get when the gas shield has been blown off course a bit (or when the gas isn't flowing fast enough)?

I'm pretty new to mig welding so I'm Not sure but I am running out of gas so it sounds like that could be what it is, are you meant to run a tank until its completely empty?

Cheers mark
No probs. I really need to fit my new regulator then so I can adjust flow rate and monitor tank pressure. Currently it's only a single guage. Think there's only about 5 bar left.
This is the one I just got Refillable Gas Cylinder Conversion Kit - Argon Mix - Weldequip

Iv only got a Clarke 160tm. It's the cheapest decent welder if that makes sense. All I could afford at the time and should be more than capable of welding anything I need to.

basically the same right gauge is tank pressure and left is working flow rate

practice is the name of the game as with any skill/trade. read a good instruction manual and look a you tube clips lots of good ones out there
Ye I will do. I have a few friends who are welders so they're never far away. A lot of any trade comes down to practise. The more you do it the better you get.

I just do my gas by listening to the nozzle :D

Often you need less gas than you think, if it spits a bit when you crank it up then you need more.

Obviously too much is no problem but then you've got wastage.

Eveidently wasn't an issue on your diff cover job anyway, but yeah flow meters are the one cos you can remember what flow for what amps etc :)

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