Lets see how South West people really are!

Im From Helston, but due to work now live in Plymouth but still go to Helston Kernow alot.

Kernow Bys Vyken !
where abouts need a hand?
Thanks....any help would be appreciated. The key fob and Disco won't communicate (can't unlock the doors with the key fob nor start the engine) I have had a locksmith programme a new key but he says that's not the problem.....so stuck for ideas....ECU perhaps?
Thanks....any help would be appreciated. The key fob and Disco won't communicate (can't unlock the doors with the key fob nor start the engine) I have had a locksmith programme a new key but he says that's not the problem.....so stuck for ideas....ECU perhaps?

And I have just got this same problem! I have managed to get into and start the car using the emergency key code but, as soon as I turn the engine off, the engine is immobilised again. I have been in contact with my garage who has never come across this before so has done some emergency research and, yes, the problem seems to be the ECU which is behind the glove box. He is now on standby for my delivery of the car to him for a solution!
Does anyone know what the name of this ECU is?? I would like to look up the costs etc. of a replacement.
After two full days of being locked out with the engine immobilised, today, everything was suddenly working as it should!!!! How long it is going to stay that way is anyone's guess but it is with the mechanic now.:D
Zummerzet fur I. Although my heart does live in a small fishing village on the Lizzard Peninsula down in southern Cornwall where my great Aunt and Uncle built their own home and when the time is right, I hope to buy it back into the family one day.

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