In the MAD Hippos club we decided to embrace health & safety & proposed a structured approach, this is what was posted, it recieved a very positive response :-

In view of undoubted political pressure from an ever more interfering government I think that we in the MAD HIPPOS club should demonstrate how seriously we are considering HSE & take the lead in the setting up of a dedicated safety executive & I would like to propose a structure for this. The stated goal of this section would be the Prevention of Overzealous Offroading (POO) & will be headed by a Total Overseer of Safety with Special Executive Responsibilities (TOSSER), under the Tosser would be several Authorised Regional Safety Executors (ARSES), the Arses will be in close contact with the Tosser at all times. The Arses will from time to time be responsible for the release of Coordinated Response Action Plans (CRAP) & will control the deployment of the First Action Response Teams (FARTS), of course in emergencies there will be times when the Farts will decide on their own deployment. The Arses will also keep an eye out for Tracks Without Aproval for Traffic (Twa*s) & will inform the membership when a Tw*t is spotted, the membership can then begin lobbying for the Tw*t to be opened.
Lets try & make this happen guys so we can help the fun Police in their goal of stopping the release of any form of adrenalin whatsoever.
Let me know what you all think.

Surprisingly all the positions are still vacant although we are all lobbying hard for the opening of the Twa*s !!
Seatbelts the only thing stopping me and my passenger from hitting our heads on the roof when hitting a bump.

We learnt this soon enough.:doh:

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