how often do you use yours

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Well-Known Member
Well as the title says really, how often do you,

Our Td4 Gets used every day for several short journeys,
then once in a while it gets a run out,

Just wondering if some of the issues people have is due to
the way/how often its used rather than just wearing out..
Mine is my only car atm :)

it does 150 miles a week commuting and around 100 miles doing sundry miles per week, it is now, very reliable and very comfy
Do you mean "Is yours your daily drive?"...




Read the Poll first Mr Bush..

Then answer your own question..

But thank you for taking the time to read it,
it must have been really hard for you and I
for one really appreciate your efforts..

Read the Poll first Mr Bush..

Then answer your own question..

But thank you for taking the time to read it,
it must have been really hard for you and I
for one really appreciate your efforts..


There was no poll.

There is no poll as there is no BoB option.

I thank you for maintaining the traditions of this illustrious forum by not including the obligatory BoB option and by checking your sense of humour in when you logged in.

Twunt. :rolleyes:
I apologise for missing the BoB option,
maybe admin or a Mod could be so kind as to add one for me..
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Nowhere near as much as the bloody running costs would deserve. Worst part by far is the road tax - disgraceful.
Tapatalk doesn't display polls.

I drive mine every day, lots of short journeys of 2-20 miles, generally about 1,000 to 1,500 miles a month.

This is my only vehicle and i'm a petrolhead driving a diesel.
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60 mile round trip to work and back every day, plus any other social, domestic and PLEASURE trips.

my "daily driver" is the only vehicle I have actually taken the slightest bit of interest in.
Until I found my Freebie, cars were purely a functional object to get me around safely, but since I discovered the green oval, I want to drive drive drive, on road off road, anywhere and everywhere. I love the character of the car and just wish I had a bit more money to be able to improve it faster.
Ok... I have a 200 mile commute round trip every other day (two day week, then a three day week and repeat). And I use the Freelander for it, and pay all my own expenses (though tax deductible thank fook...).

On my days 'off' it's out and about every day as well though usually not as far, although as our friends are all hours away it gets out quite a lot.

I don;t class 30 miles as a long journey anymore....

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