
Well-Known Member
Hi after a bit of help a friend of a friend has asked me to replace his clutch master and slave cylinder on his 03 plate 1.8 freelander. I am aware that I need to free up the arm as it is really stiff but unsure what to charge him without ripping him of but not doing myself out of money.
Hi after a bit of help a friend of a friend has asked me to replace his clutch master and slave cylinder on his 03 plate 1.8 freelander. I am aware that I need to free up the arm as it is really stiff but unsure what to charge him without ripping him of but not doing myself out of money.

Mates rates
Okay fair enough. Is it a fairly easy job looks easy enough not sure if I should work from the top or bottom instead of taking the bottom cover off.
I'm from Yorkshire, so wouldn't charge anything, but he'd 'owe me one forever', but seeing as your from the other side you'd probably settle for a hot meal:lvkiss-106:
Okay fair enough. Is it a fairly easy job looks easy enough not sure if I should work from the top or bottom instead of taking the bottom cover off.
Just take the air box assembly off - you can see where your batting then ...no need to take the bottom cover off.

Are you sure it needs new master and slave? if the clutch pedal is just stiff / hard to get into gear then a good spraying of lube on the clutch fork arm might be all it needs.
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Just take the air box assembly off - you can see where your batting then ...no need to take the bottom cover off.

Are you sure it needs new master and slave? if the clutch pedal is just stiff / hard to get into gear then a good spraying of lube on the clutch fork arm might be all it needs.

yes needs changing as the old one blew up and is in pieces :D
Needs eggsauce, subframe, ird, both wishbones dropping, coolant, ird and gearbox juice out, starter motor and pas pump off.
Doing mine at present and it's a tw@t of a job. Ird and pas pump have to come off for the sake of one bolt. :(
I'm doing welding for a mate on a knackered chassis, crossmember, central crossmember and many see through parts of the chassis. Will all be at mates rates so not to rip him off but so it covers my expenses like leccy and discs and some of the time taken
I'm doing welding for a mate on a knackered chassis, crossmember, central crossmember and many see through parts of the chassis. Will all be at mates rates so not to rip him off but so it covers my expenses like leccy and discs and some of the time taken

not so evil then eh ;)
Just re-read the op :doh:
If it's just master and slave, it should only take half an hour or so, I'd mis-read it as the clutch release arm bearings being siezed.
Yeah that's what I'm going to do as I know the arm is stiff and is a common problem with them so will get that to move freely then renew everything.

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