
Well-Known Member
just wondering, instead of sticking the frame and tilt back on every time it starts to rain, I assume a metal dashed landy should be able to stand a light shower but maybe not a torrential downpour.

is there much to worry about? do people not bother to cover up for small showers?
oo, I like that :D, I could probably knock something up for the s1, that cover might suit the s3 though as I plan to get that topless next year. Photo isn't big enough for my eyes, it seems to have bits so you can see the speedo.
I used to have a 86" an it never had a roof on all summer rain or shine, i would fold the seats down when I left it and kept a waterproof jacket in the underseat box. i drove it in some proper downpours and never had any electrical probs
Mine is now open to the elements, been in some right downpours and not had any problems.

If I need it, a bikini top is kep in a lockable box can be fitted in minutes.

waterproof and something to dry the seat kept in cubby box with a brimmed hat to keep the rain out of eyes when driving.

maybe silicon grease the leccy connections up (or vaseline) to stop corrosion.
think I shall definitely do that on the wiper motor connections as they are so exposed, towel in the box is a good idea too.
I was caught out in a torrential down pour and thunderstorm i. The defender with no roof or door tops. Everything was proper wet,had about 2 inches of water sloshing in the tub that streamed out the tailgate whenever I accelerated. Dash was soaked, seats were soaked but everything still works. Took a while to dry though and my dash clocks stills steam up in warm weather for a bit
im taking the roof off my 110 this weekend!

(being in Scotland its the ideal climate for topless motoring)
I hose mine out all the time, dash, windscreen, the lot .
The trick to driving in the rain with no roof on is to keep moving, rain just goes over your head, and its great fun.

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