top drive

Well-Known Member
i moved my oil breather from the air intake to a catch tank last night - read an old drinks bottle

and i took it out for a spirited drive (after some gentle driving to warm it up)

expecting it to breath out its arse !

after about 45 mins of driving it had breathed about 5ml of oil if that- is this excessive for an engine on 107k?

i suspect my excessive oil on the front leg of the chassis is coming back into the air box from the turbo - although still spooling and pulling ? - stuck pressure relief valve ? - its certainly leaking out the air box !

Mine is going the same, but not from the turbo. Where the breather joins the pipe that goes to the filter, it's covered in oil.. It also blows abit out of the filler hole. I didn notice that the oil is very slightly over the 'h' mark on the dipstick.
hmmmm now im puzzled .....

engine will run all day long sitting on the drive - no smoke , no leaks and barely a puff from the breather.

how ever take it for a drive - and it seems to spray the underside of the bonnet above turbo with oil and the block is covered in oil on both sides not just the turbo side..... can cover the dipstick hole with my finger and no smoke or oil comes out afterwards

how ever the engine oils not dropping .....

curtains i think .....its not using water so it must be diesel getting in - will change the lift pump as seemingly a duff lift pump can let fuel into the oil as i have a working one handy but after that i give up - saving for a 200tdi.
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Top drive - Would love to know how that paned out!

I am suffering much the same, it started after a long and fairly fast drive to Chichester (about 50 miles for me) and the engine seemed to run away just as I got there. Although switching off the iginition seemed to stop it. ?? After that, it seems I have a real problem with heavy breathing and oil be spluttered from at first the head (I thought gasket) but now all over the place.. And I am using oil. About 2 litres a week!! :( Am going to get a head skim and gasket to sort the leaking head but would a leaky head cause increased heavy breathing?? Crank pressure??? :blabla:

Any ideas mateys?
The problem is caused by a poor seal of the the piston rings. The force of the combustion within the cylinders leaks past the rings and pressurises the crankcase which is obviously containing your oil. This excess air has to go somewhere hence the breather, but it takes oil with it which is why your air filter is covered!
I used to have a perkins prima in a series which would breathe about a litre of oil every 60 miles into a coke bottle. every night i would pour it back in!
Its not a problem unless your breather is still attatched to your airbox and it ends up running on its own oil and you not being able to stop it. Bye bye engine!
old trick with this, was to drill a hole in the top of the chassis and route the breather
into it.
kept the inside of chassis oiled, dispersed the vapour, and helped prevent rusting.
just dont drive thru static water unless you want rainbows.
as previously said, crankcase pressure caused by worn bores/rings.
ultimately, a worn engine.
i never got round to replacing the fuel pump yet - had to pick up some liquid gasket.

i am not getting much breathing through the breather - my catch bottle has a misty colour on the walls in it but no actual oil in it - after a couple hundred miles - i cant even pin point where my oils coming from !

i cleaned the engine and the breather cap - seals and the mesh inside. drove easy for a bit to warm it up ,opened the bonnet , let it idle , revved it a fair bit - no leaks.

went for a drive up hill over a 10% grad and checked when i got back and it was covered again - this oil is alot thinner than engine oil im sure - its like black diesel. all round the rocker cover bolts , the exhaust , the underside of the bonnet !

any further ideas before i go down the death by natural causes route ;)
glad i'e read this page help me a lot as my poor old engine breathes oil from the filler cap into the airfilter .so sounds like its a better idea to put it into a catch tank .
i stuck the breather in a large clear plastic bottle and none seems to be coming out now! might have ran out of oil... ;-)
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but i found it from the search feature.

My 200 TDI used to drip oil from the air box, and i used to clean it out every week, as a pool would develop in the bottom of it, so i re-routed the head oil breather to a oil catch tank (clear bottle), and since doing this, no oil has been collected? just the bottle has gone black cloudy and greasey. and the air box is always oil free!!

My question is, why when connected to the air box did it breath alot of oil, now it does not when connected to the catch tank? but yet my oil level still goes down, but no obvious leaks...?

Also, when the engine is running, and the oil filler cap is removed (i know this is not the best idea for oil pressure etc..) loads of air blows out of it, is this another sign of worn badly worn rings?? i have also noticed lately lack in power when travelling up gradients on motorways etc.

Any help would be appreciated
the reason it doesnt give out oil now could be that ... the air filter/ turbo is sucking air in, if the filter has high resistance then it will suck from the ouil feed instead of the air filter ? well thats what i belive anyways
Back again with an old thread.

Air filter changed and it looked like an oil filter, so did all the breather pipes and the oil filler cover as well.

Only one not done was from bulkhead end of rocker cover down to crankcase.

Am I going on the right track?
Sorry to bring up an old thread again but it seems you guys may be able to help. I have a 19j engine but the turbo was removed long before I bought it. The breather hose was stuffed into the pipe to manifold which was ok and probably done to stop the air filter from oiling up. However I have fitted a snorkel and would like it to be water tight, so I have routed the breather into a catch tank. I then put the outlet hose into the original location just before the filter (thinking it would be clean of oil). After driving for a day I noticed the outlet pipe has oil in it. The catch tank hasn't caught much and its smoking a lot more. Do you think the air filter is sucking so hard that its pulling the oil straight out of the catch tank? Where could I re-route the outlet pipe to avoid this but also avoid water ingress? Thanks in advance.


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i could do but will that suck it through as hard or not. presumably a smaller pipe won't pull as much through. The catch tank hasn't caught anything, i put a litre of oil in yesterday and about half of that has gone, only drove 2 hours. I think the manifold is from a 12j and was capped because a 19j has bigger breathers. All i know is the problem has come from fitting the catch tank which i hoped would help the old girl out. It smokes well now so I am guessing its burning the oil. The chap who MOT'd it said when he makes his own catch tanks he puts a big pipe in and small pipe out which runs up the snorkel and then he drills a small hole and pokes it in. Presumably this pulls just enough but not too hard?
if you remove the breather from rocker cover with engine running does the engine belch oily vapour?
i could do but will that suck it through as hard or not. presumably a smaller pipe won't pull as much through. The catch tank hasn't caught anything, i put a litre of oil in yesterday and about half of that has gone, only drove 2 hours. I think the manifold is from a 12j and was capped because a 19j has bigger breathers. All i know is the problem has come from fitting the catch tank which i hoped would help the old girl out. It smokes well now so I am guessing its burning the oil. The chap who MOT'd it said when he makes his own catch tanks he puts a big pipe in and small pipe out which runs up the snorkel and then he drills a small hole and pokes it in. Presumably this pulls just enough but not too hard?
Because he is routing it into the snorkel some of the vapour and oil probably settles out by the time it hits the filter.
If there is crankcase pressure and a lot of stuff spewing out the breather, ot will tend to contaminate the filter, or, if it is routed intoair intake after the filter, it can cause a disel runaway. So it might be better to route the breather into the can annd then onto a fitting opening into the chassis.
If you have a lot of crankcase pressure there is a problem. Head gasket, cracked piston or a very worn engine coud be a problem, or the vacuum pump may be at fault. With the cap off and engine running you may get a rhythmic chuffing and spitting of oil?
Thanks very much for your replies guys. I'm not by the motor at the moment but from memory of last week. With the oil/breather cap off the engine seemed fine. Not vast glugs of oil just a fine vapour. After speaking with a friend he advised to take off the pipe to air box and let it atmosphere like you suggested into chassis etc. He says it won't suck water up as it's under pressure. I will try this out and see if the can actually collects anything. Thanks once again.

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