Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


Active Member
44 year old bus driver
9 years NCB
South East London... se6
2.5 DSE Auto
4,000 miles a year... give or take
Clean license
No accidents or convictions 5 years plus

£400.00 a year fully comp.

Is that price high? low? about right???
That does sound a very good price. I certainly wouldn't say it's too high.

I wouldn't know if its high or low, hence asking.

But its garaged at night, and the SE is on the kent border, so it ain't central SE london.

And for the milage i don't do, i think it should be classic insurance rates like my P5 Rovers.

At what age for a car does classic insurance come into play anyway? is it on par with free tax discs?
I wouldn't know if its high or low, hence asking.

But its garaged at night, and the SE is on the kent border, so it ain't central SE london.

And for the milage i don't do, i think it should be classic insurance rates like my P5 Rovers.

At what age for a car does classic insurance come into play anyway? is it on par with free tax discs?

Some companies 1995 others 1997
Some companies 1995 others 1997

Well that's plain daft... i think they should set it at 15 years on a rolling date.

I've got a Rover P5B 3.5 1970, and a Rover P5 3.0 MKIII 1966... in both cases, the engines are Petrol, and bigger than the 2.5 Diesel in my 1998 Rangey, PLUS... both cars are valued at more than my Rangey... AAAAAND, i can do more milage than in my Rangey, Thing is, both cars can be insured fully comp for under £120.00 a year.

I'm heading for a decade of NCB, plus i'm a bus driver in my mid 40's... bit old for the boy racer side of life, which begs the question, what's with the persecution when it comes to insurance... good drivers are supposed to be rewarded not persecuted.
Isn't not really daft.putting it on a 15 year rolling date would mean that in 2015 you could insure probly half the cars on the road like a ford focus or a vauxhall corsa on classic.which would make the classic insurance go up
Isn't not really daft.putting it on a 15 year rolling date would mean that in 2015 you could insure probly half the cars on the road like a ford focus or a vauxhall corsa on classic.which would make the classic insurance go up

Trying to get my head round 'Isn't not...' but it's making my brain hurt
Isn't not really daft.putting it on a 15 year rolling date would mean that in 2015 you could insure probly half the cars on the road like a ford focus or a vauxhall corsa on classic.which would make the classic insurance go up
Flippin it is or what init eh.
Point at hand is that i've got 2 classics, a 3 liter and a 3.5 liter... both petrol with auto boxes.
Both cars are worth well over 5 grand, yet both cars cost me less than 150 quid a year to insure fully comp.
RR, 2.5 Diesel, book price of 3,390 quid but i only paid a grand for it, smaller engine, slower as well, almost 400 quid for fully comp.
Why is that? The smallest engine car, with the lowest value, and the totally sluggish fuel, is almost 3 times more expensive to insure.
Flippin it is or what init eh.
Point at hand is that i've got 2 classics, a 3 liter and a 3.5 liter... both petrol with auto boxes.
Both cars are worth well over 5 grand, yet both cars cost me less than 150 quid a year to insure fully comp.
RR, 2.5 Diesel, book price of 3,390 quid but i only paid a grand for it, smaller engine, slower as well, almost 400 quid for fully comp.
Why is that? The smallest engine car, with the lowest value, and the totally sluggish fuel, is almost 3 times more expensive to insure.

what mileage have you put on your rovers insurance, my 2.5 diesel p38 cost just under 300 with 6k mileage on insurance i do have 23 years no claims lol but 1st central only give me 10year ncb and live in dartford

i just looked up se6 you know what that is not bad price i'd say
what mileage have you put on your rovers insurance, my 2.5 diesel p38 cost just under 300 with 6k mileage on insurance i do have 23 years no claims lol but 1st central only give me 10year ncb and live in dartford

i just looked up se6 you know what that is not bad price i'd say

I'm with them same price too with key insurance :) only 10k per year
Based in Hayward's Heath handy for me as they are local .
I think any insurance NCB is 10 years max discount
I must admit my Father was in Insurance and he would be astounded at the hikes in premiums. Careful drivers are paying for those that aren't right to be on the road. When I hear of people passing a test, having several smashes (not minor knocks) in their first year. Then there is something wrong with the training of these drivers or the test system. It is us that pays for them. What ever happened to claim investigators. I was ripped off by one one these clever people. Couldn't get a penny out of them. I wish I had killed the other driver, instead of avoiding he's car. He had several convictions for dangerous driving and still the courts let him drive a tipper lorry ! No justice. I want to pay a small amount and still have a discount worth having. LESS THAN £100 per year. We are the good drivers, most are or were professional drivers. I pay over £250 per year. for Rural driving mainly.
I'm with them same price too with key insurance :) only 10k per year
Based in Hayward's Heath handy for me as they are local .
I think any insurance NCB is 10 years max discount

I am only down the road from you then, who do you have your insurance with?
Don't know whether it's because of the London postcode but with details given that seems high to me!
I have been quoted £400 for year with the following details...

3.9 V8i petrol Discovery (1995 xs model)
25 years old
1 years NCB
Sheffield postcode
4,000 miles per year

Will have only been driving 2 full years in October.

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