£1.36 for Derv and £1.29 for petrol in Scotlands Central belt (bit less @ supermarkets and a bit more @ BP/Shell stations)
Currently in spain, €1.11 diesel and I think unleaded was €1.15 at the local nasty quality petrol station which the rental car is enjoying :D
Prices have shot up over the year and Costco diesel £1.30 ltr .
Every where else varies between 1.34 and 1.39 !
Travelled from the home of Wadworth's to S.Devon yesterday, Diesel varied from £1.49 to £1.31 a litre..
I find the Sainsbury's supermarkets cheapest in the East Midlands. Even they're over the £1.30 mark now for diesel. In Wales it's in the mid £1.30s.
Last time it was like this was in mid 2012 when I bought the Land Rover, but since then I've been lucky enough to enjoy lower fuel prices, even down to around £1 a litre at some points.
Diesel between £1.35 and £1.38 a ltr @ tescos add another 5p per ltr for BP or Shell that's in my bit of Norfolk.
Here in Essex it's £1.38 for 95 octane unleaded at our local Shell outlet
About 4p a litre less at the supermarkets.

Wonder what the price of E5 super-unleaded will be, assuming that E10 will be unsuitable (long term) for a 'eighties RRC :(

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