
New Member
Not a question for you home bio users but been thinking.

Used to run my disco and fender on svo/derv mix up to 90/100% at times but gave up when veg nearly caught up with the price of diesel. With the possible faults caused by using svo i didnt see it as cost effective any more (gummed pistons, fuel pump seals etc).

mine used to cost around 95ppl veg and 134ppl derv at local tesco so at 80/20 mix it worked out 103ppl which i didnt see as bad.

now its more like 120ppl for veg and 134ppl for derv (123ppl combined) at the same place which isnt really a saving worth the effort imo, it didnt run any better, was actually harder to start on a morning and if the veg mix was too high smoked like buggery and stank the street out.

Looking around the forum (mainly in here which is why this isnt in general chat) I see that a lot of folk are still using svo/derv mix so thought id ask how much are you paying and where are you getting it from.
Short answer. As little as possible. Anything over £1.20/l is a waste of time and effort.
As and when Asda/Tesco play their price war games, I stock up.
Tescos and asda are selling it for £1 a litre at the moment.

Are you sure ? I went in asda the other day and it was back up to £1.38 for a litre vegetable oil. They do the ktc stuff in some asda for £16.00 ,15 litres but its got anti-foaming **** in it , so dont fancy using it.
Are you sure ? I went in asda the other day and it was back up to £1.38 for a litre vegetable oil. They do the ktc stuff in some asda for £16.00 ,15 litres but its got anti-foaming **** in it , so dont fancy using it.

ive looked this up quite a bit. Everytging these days have anti foaming **** in it, it is put in so they can fill the bigger containers quicker. It is also in DERV and will be in bio as well. I get 20 ltr ktc for £21.19 and run 25/75 through my 200
ive looked this up quite a bit. Everytging these days have anti foaming **** in it, it is put in so they can fill the bigger containers quicker. It is also in DERV and will be in bio as well. I get 20 ltr ktc for £21.19 and run 25/75 through my 200

A few years ago we had a debate about the anti-foaming additives in vegetable oil and the verdict seemed to be to stay away from the stuff and only use 100 % pure oil. The reason was suggested that it contains silicone that does not burn in the combustion process and over time would cause nasty deposits in the engine. Not sure if its true but that put me off using it.:)
cant you just get wvo and filter it yourself?

thats not the question though

Not a question for you home bio users but been thinking.

the reson i ask is i stopped using svo when it stopped saving money but others still use it so was wondering if there was somewhere cheaper for folk.

the usual "just make your own" statement isnt needed. There are plenty of other bio threads for that
very unlikely to be getting new clean straight veg oil at the pumps now the goverbent have screwed the tax on it now its likely to be wvo recycled waste oil and its £1.09 in Quarry Bank
Are you sure ? I went in asda the other day and it was back up to £1.38 for a litre vegetable oil. They do the ktc stuff in some asda for £16.00 ,15 litres but its got anti-foaming **** in it , so dont fancy using it.

Oooops sorry I had a look this morning and it's gone back up.
It was £1pl a few weeks ago so I bought quite a bit at the time.
Well i make my own and it costs me 30-40p a litre

Which is exactly why I didn't ask think biolandy on here makes his for around 16-19ppl.

Some folk don't have the resources/time to make their own and use svo. I started this to see what folk were paying and where from which could have helped others if they were using an svo/derv mix.

Not exactly helpful saying well I make my own........ If I wanted to know that I would have read one of the other millions of threads about making bio.
So whats wrong with buying some filters and just filtering wvo then? £20 or so on washable re-useable filters and then if you can pick up wvo for next to nothing then you can mix it with derv??

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