Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
£380 for a '99 Defender 90 TD5 CSW. Fully comp, 6,000 miles pa, me (28) and my dad (60?) driving, 7 years NCD. I live in Bristol and keep it on the road which can't help the price.

Plan over the next 12 months is to knock my front wall down (so I can park in on my drive) and get a aftermarket Thatcham immobiliser installed.
£380 for a '99 Defender 90 TD5 CSW. Fully comp, 6,000 miles pa, me (28) and my dad (60?) driving, 7 years NCD. I live in Bristol and keep it on the road which can't help the price.

I should have mentioned, that was arranged through Flux, and underwriten by Equity Red Star..

fit a big bumper and drive through the wall

Ooooh, it's crossed my mind (but I don't think my new insurer would like that)
£126 fully comp on a 1994 110 CSW, restriced to 7 seats parked in the locked garage between 10pm and 6am when im at home.

Im 27, insured as a second car so no no claims applyed to it.
570 for a 300tdi disco,
mods 2 years ncd
7 years experience,
no claims
6 points from 4 years ago.

600 for a standard 1.1 106 :doh:

Pay £130 a month over 9 months for the pair of them
47, driving 29 years full ncb
Range rover vogue 300tdi soft dash. Kept on road, £285 fully comp with offroading, laning and cover for 27 foot caravan.
With Dave brewer from 2gether insurance

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