Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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Wen I was 19 I had a 300tdi 5dr insured as standard fully comp with 2 years no claims for 900. Im now 21 have 4 years no claims nd 2 insure my new 300tdi 3dr as standard fully comp is 1100.thats stupid.what prices are other people paying.similar age would be good.
i had a similar issue with our L200. It was £250 for me to insure our stilo abarth... or £1700 for the L200!!!! WTF!!!

So i got a traders policy for £1100 and insured all 5 of our cars on it instead ;)
Who are people insured with?.200tdi ayre who are you insured with,yours is cheaper than mine your younger nd have less no claims than me lol
Who are people insured with?.200tdi ayre who are you insured with,yours is cheaper than mine your younger nd have less no claims than me lol

i'm insured with the NFU mate but you can only get insured under 21 if you have family with them, we have family, house, buisness, motor trade everything so i was definately in :D raised my exess on claims to my own vehicle to decrease the quote, as if it got damaged i'd just fix it myself :)
depends on the area you live aswell, you can have same car same mods same age etc etc but 1 live in a posh nice low crim e area and 1 in a not so nice crime riddled area and the prices will differ greatly.

im 28 300tdi all mods declaired 3rd party as car aint worth too much, upto 10k miles a year (daily driver)i can drive any other insured car with this policy £490.
Just read last nite that there is a insurance overhaul about to happen. Women have had lower rates then men and EU ruled it was sex discrimination, so women rates will be going up from 25-50% and there is talk about not insuring young drivers

here is the full story
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Just read last nite that there is a insurance overhaul about to happen. Women have had lower rates then men and EU ruled it was sex discrimination, so women rates will be going up from 25-50% and there is talk about not insuring young drivers

here is the full story

BBC News - Car insurance premiums fall says AA

The bints have been demanding equality for years and now they're getting it :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi
22 years old. 2 years NCB £550 for the freelander, £730 for my 1985 3.5 RRC

Give it 9 months time and the multicar policy will kick in and my freelander will go down to £120 a year when added to the range rover
i realy dont understand insurance.a girl i no moved into her own house with her boyfriend about a mile from her old house and it went up £1000
300tdi discovery all mods declared. I'm 19 with no no-claim (was a named driver so didn't earn any technically)
£1200 fully comp 200quid excess

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