like i said full tank to empty light 530 miles i dont know how to spell it out to make it easier to understand. i have done full service, had a diesel tuner adjust my fuel pump, new injectors, timing spot on. before all this i was lucky to get 400 to a tank
1996 300tdi with 170,000 on the clock. Towing horse trailer with Shire on board at 45 -50 ish on Motorway, Dual Carriage way and decent A roads 32mpg (and we did this under research conditions cos we're sad gits). Same load around Dartmoor nearer 24 mpg, but you can't get any speed up in the lanes. Steady motorway driving i.e. at the 55pmh used in the manufacturers tests 44mpg. I use an enhanced brand of fuel which returns a 15% increase in economy over the standard version and the engine is lovingly maintained with slick 50 and regular air filter changes. Due to the cost of fuel I now drive in mpg rather than mph. I do fill up totally to check fuel performance about every three months and yes I should get out and get a life...
My last car (Lucida) did about 17 to the gallon so I don't even watch the gauge anymore. I'd guess at about 30. Maybe 40 on a motorway run.
Changed 3 injectors (EDC 300tdi) and increased economy about 12%.
Now d0 22.5mpg. Know its an auto but???:violent:

Try leaving the selector in 3rd instead of drive when driving around town and under 40mph. I do and with heavy trade double extension ladders on roof and back full of work gear I still get 25 mpg . ;)

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