
New Member
Series 3 FFR SWB and x4 kids! Currently has rear benches with no seat belts

Could I fit a pair of forward facing flip-down seats (Forward Facing Fold Up L/H from Brookwells) on each side? i.e two on each side

Alternatively,would I be able to fit a flip -down side facing bench
alongside a forward facing one instead i.e. forward facing and a side
facing flip-down on both the rear sides?

hope this makes sense! I'm thinking it might be too tight for either of these options but just wondered if any of you have had a similar issue. Only x1 child is old enough to legally sit in a side facing rear seat at the moment.

You don't want any side facing seats for anybody as they render the seat belt ineffective
I would say you need 2 rows of 2 seats in the back but wouldn't think you had the room in a swb to be Honist
how about upgrading to a lwb ? Gonna be the safest and most practical way forward
My swb had 2 flip up forward facing seats in the back when I got it. There wasn't room for anymore even if you only transported midgets. I put bench seats back in.
thanks for your advice. Appreciate what you say re the LWB being the pragmatic way forward but it's not an option I can take at present. At least I also now know that x 4 forward facing seats in the rear is a no-go.

Appreciate I'm raising a seperate issue here, but an another option would be for me to remove the 24V battery from the middle front seat. This would allow me to have x 2 kids up front and x2 in the back (my wife will be quite happy not to sit in it!). I guess this would mean converting it to 12V and placing the battery back under the bonnet. Do you guys know how much hassle this is or roughly how much this would cost, assuming done at local independent garage (who specialises in old LR). Don't think I'm up to this myself!
thanks again
Converting to 12v isn't easy or cheap almost everything electrical has to be replaced
The starter, alternator, ignition system even the bulbs will have to be changed
Can be done and has been done
Probally easyer to relocate both the battery's
Under the bonet and keep 24v they don't have to be next to each other it's how they are connected that's important
thanks again. I apologise for raising the 24V to 12V conversion issue - I realised with hindsight that there were plenty of previous threads on this. So yes, I'll give that a miss for now. I am keen to explore if anyone has tried to move the batteries elsewhere. I'd even consider putting it in the rear on the floor behind the middle seat if necessary. Can't see any previous threads on this so will raises this as a fresh post


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