wouldn't in and of itself explain the lack of power at the leads coming into the but if that was done then it is possible the person who did so disconnected it somewhere else....

I am sure you have checked this but while we are erradicating the obvious the heated screen has a very fine mesh which is visible from the correct angle... took me 3 weeks to spot it on mine... but once you have seen it you can always see it ... like a magic eye type thing...
no its defo got a heated screen, i can see the mesh in the glass. i dont really know where else to check. Its going for an mot tomorrow, so might get the garage to have a quick look, but it will probably be loads of money. I need it really as im going to live in the alps so gets very cold and often snows.

Im just annoyed i cant do it myself. Bugger
all the way through it, very fine mesh running vertically. I have a chip on the drivers side, but it had two elements, one on each side so it that had fooked it, surely the other side would work. Doesnt seem to have any power going to it.
Hi Robpenrose,

Did you ever get your heated screen working? i've just added a post and then found yours - I'm having similar problems and the symptoms sound the same.

Would be grateful for any advice

within thirty seconds mine seems to thaw thin ice in a few vertical bands ranging from 1/2 to 3 inches wide. eventually the entire windscreen defrosts in 2 minutes or so. looks weird while i have these vertical bands of defrosted areas running the entire height of windscreen
my deepender is around a minute or near enough turn the engine on asnd switch it on by the time i have scraped the drivers window/mirror and got to the back windows its already on the way out .
if its fookoff thick ice might get to the passenger door before it shows signs of melting
I've got a similar problem with mine :-(

I get volts at the two scuttle connectors, but still no obvious demisting, no change in battery voltage/engine revs when engaged.

So my problem lies in between - I can't see how the two wires from the scuttle connectors actually attach to the windscreen - I suspect a pair of solder joints which probably need to be redone, but as I can't see them I can't do anything.

I have wondered about taking the wiper cowling off and see if I can access them that way, but nobody seems to know for sure.

Frankly, i have spent enough time on that car that I can't justify it right now.... :rolleyes:
Heated screens should work very quickly. They can however stop working. My RRC has only 2 lines in the screen that work. I beleieve the problem here is that there is some evidence of the screen delaminating at the bottom (well it is 19 years old) so it may be worth looking to see if the top and/or bottom edges of yuour screen are milky in whcih case I would suspect that is your problem.

Do check the screen grounds. On a RRC these are quite easy to find, take off the plastic trim on each of the screen pillars and you'll see 'em. Check for continuity, clean and put back. Dunno if that'll help ya but nothing to loose!

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