
My front prop shaft does nearly a 1/4 turn by hand even when in gear and theres a lot of clungking and bang when drivin in all gears :mad:. how long to u think iv got until i need a new front axel. its my only mode of transport and need it for the next two weeks. help required please :)
Do you mean play in the UJ's? If so get in it sooner rather than later. Its not a bad job to do.
Is it quite high mileage? If so probably just wear in the front axle my other disco does it when it takes up drive been doing it for ages, just drive like an old lady and it might get you through the next 2 weeks mines been doing it for ages.
its done 110,000 right enough. its not even when it takes up drive it does it drivin aboung the road at a steady speed. not constant just every now and again

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