
Active Member
Just wondering people... when I start up the 110 TD5 and drive off (mind I've only had her a couple of weeks and it's my first Defender) it takes a good 10 minutes of driving to get out of the blue zone on the gauge and 15 - 20 to get near the center. Is this generally normal? Just wondering if I should I look at a new thermostat.
I'm just used to the RR which warmed up fully in less than 10 mins of driving. It means if I shove the dog in the back and drive 10 mins to take her for a walk, then the same back, she's driving cold the whole time.
Mine takes an age to warm up too, it never actually gets to the centre on the temperature gauge, I fitted a new themostat and it still takes a long time to warm up, I have even left my viscous fan off (after it uncsrewed itself and fell off). Its also the same with a radiator blind.
Thanks, needle on mine doesn't reach half way either, although I don't think that really matters. Thanks for the blind comment as I was thinking about one of them, don't think I'll bother!
Do you reckon it makes any significant difference to engine wear/life?
I've found a 3-pin socket at the front of mine under the bumper, and I suspect it could be a pre-heater. Will have to post a pic because I can't find it on the web.
Ma hippo's got an electric heater so it can start producing warm air a lot sooner than waiting fer the engine to warm up. The heated seats and steering wheel are quick to warm up anorl. :)
Usually til about half a mile from where you are going on a freezing day.....!

Not quickly that’s for sure (though 30 mins does sound quite a long time....). And yes, sits just below half way on the gauge. If it stays in the cold zone it’s probably loss of coolant and if you ignore/don’t notice you might end up with a cracked head - or that’s the cause already..... DAHIK...... Enjoy, A
Ive owned series/200/300/td5 and tdv6 and all without exception take a good 4/5 miles to get the stat to fully open, more if the weather is colder, less if you can get up enough speed to work the motor harder.

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