i had a right nightmare with mine and gave up, i know you have to remove the outer handle!!!

if you find out can you post the method for me!!! i need to refurb one of my rear's and would appreciate the advice!!!
your picture is a p38 so are we talking about the door laches as i've just done the drivers door latch and can give a fairly good guide
tis a p38, but i'm interested in removing the actuators for the central locking not the door latches, i'm led to understand that they are fairly prone to going wrong but almost impossible to get at ! and i lied i havn't actually got a disc cutter, if i had i would of used it by now
tis a p38, but i'm interested in removing the actuators for the central locking not the door latches, i'm led to understand that they are fairly prone to going wrong but almost impossible to get at ! and i lied i havn't actually got a disc cutter, if i had i would of used it by now

ok. in that case its me being thick whats the actuators and where are they

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