HB i could lend yer summat that is better that a rabbit (so i have been told), its a one eyed spitting trooser snake
just to bring things back down to earth :)
My gauge runs 3/4 of the way up and stays there with heater on or off, but not overheating, might be as mine is a normal 90 with a 200tdi conversion so the sender on the engine could be different.
just to bring things back down to earth :)
My gauge runs 3/4 of the way up and stays there with heater on or off, but not overheating, might be as mine is a normal 90 with a 200tdi conversion so the sender on the engine could be different.
mine does too after conversion
found me thermostat welded itself shut so taken it out and binned it and after some hard drivin for 5-6 miles the temp gauge barely moves up on the white so will fit new thermostat at weekend and see how she runs then
when ye say 3/4's way up, dae ye mean the needles pointin staight up?
mine sits on the white marker that meets the red section but the water temp is fine. the senders are different. mine was originaly a n/a d.
I think steve parkers would put you right.
shuld be half way across , pointin up.
dunt drive it wiv no thermostat , its not good for the engine.
its probably better to run it too hot than too cold , providing you dont blow it up.
Got thermostat today for landy and had planned to come home and fit after tea BUT wifes bloody saab decided that its turbo was hungry and decided to eat all the bloody oil and throw it up the exhaust! so guess i will have to wait till tomorrow to fit it.Dont go far in the day anyway only a sum total of 4.5 miles to work and back so should be ok till tommorow.
Hopin that the needle will sit straight up in the middle instaed of cranked over towards the red almost! It was shut so well that the pressure expanded the hose that comes off the left handside of thermostat housing!
My 300tdi sits bang in middle all the time with nothing switched on, but turn on lights or heater and it shoots up to red, i know its not over heating but somethings interfering somewhere!!! Anyone any ideas??
Got thermostat today for landy and had planned to come home and fit after tea BUT wifes bloody saab decided that its turbo was hungry and decided to eat all the bloody oil and throw it up the exhaust! so guess i will have to wait till tomorrow to fit it.Dont go far in the day anyway only a sum total of 4.5 miles to work and back so should be ok till tommorow.
Hopin that the needle will sit straight up in the middle instaed of cranked over towards the red almost! It was shut so well that the pressure expanded the hose that comes off the left handside of thermostat housing!

Bad news about the Saab Landy, new turbo? Turbocharger sales Garrett Turbochargers Holset Turbo Turbos these chaps are really good if you cant find one in a scrap yard.

Got thermostat today for landy and had planned to come home and fit after tea BUT wifes bloody saab decided that its turbo was hungry and decided to eat all the bloody oil and throw it up the exhaust! so guess i will have to wait till tomorrow to fit it.Dont go far in the day anyway only a sum total of 4.5 miles to work and back so should be ok till tommorow.
Hopin that the needle will sit straight up in the middle instaed of cranked over towards the red almost! It was shut so well that the pressure expanded the hose that comes off the left handside of thermostat housing!

At least the pipe wont corrode as fast now mate, every cloud and all that.

Turbo chargers from scrapyards! wooop wooop wooop abort abort dont do that you gotta be nuts!
got a nice recon jobbie from midland turbo fitted today, primed her up with oil filled her up wi coolant (as turbo is also collant fed!) and robert is most definatley my mums brother, bit smokey though but will take for a run tomorrow and see how it goes (bet nobody sees me for smoke!!!)
Turbo chargers from scrapyards! wooop wooop wooop abort abort dont do that you gotta be nuts!
got a nice recon jobbie from midland turbo fitted today, primed her up with oil filled her up wi coolant (as turbo is also collant fed!) and robert is most definatley my mums brother, bit smokey though but will take for a run tomorrow and see how it goes (bet nobody sees me for smoke!!!)

180! problem solved, you're right about the scrapyard thing pal dont do it myself, you just get used to people on forums trying to do the cheapest repair possible, sorry to make that assumption about you.

Happy boosting


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