
New Member
... is the rear tub on an 88"... As in, would it be possible for one person to lift it / slide it off?

Failing that, I do have an old winch I could fit to the branch of a tree :)
Two people can easily lift it. It's not overly heavy and one could lift it, just cumbersome is all
Two people can easily lift it. It's not overly heavy and one could lift it, just cumbersome is all

Thought that might be the case - will have to wait until the wife is in a good mood with me / the MOT failure / life in general :)
i could lift mine easily once it was freed from the fixings and i had taken the galv cappings off, its just very large and cumbersome.

with cappings and other bits attached it wasn't so easy.
I moved mine back and forth and refitted without that many problems on my own when i was painting
I removed my tub off my 109 single handedly last weeked. Undone all the bolts lifted it up and slotted some wood underneath and then slid it off.

Or as has been said 2 people to lift easily. Or use an engine crane to lift it off if you have one. :)
Me too, both 109 and 88 (not at the same time though)
and I'm 60 years young, I also have no problem lifting off the bulkhead
on my lonesome.
It's a lot easier with two people if one gets hold of it under each wheel arch.

Another tip is once off, remove the light covers and bulbs and stand it on end (with a piece of old carpet or similar underneath). That way it takes up far less room while it's off.

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