How fast have you gone in your discovery ?
Mudynaty :)
At the moment about 30 mph!! on a short trip, only had it fer 4 days, werkin everyday since i got it [includin today..at home!!] still, tekin it out tommorow an see how she goes...:5bhurray:
You should always keep your speed below the maximum speed limit for the road you are driving on. Although you are not legally obliged to drive at the maximum speed limit, if it is safe to do, you should try and drive at a speed that at least approaches it for instance in a 40mph zone your speed should be between 35 and 40mph
For built-up urban roads with street lighting the national speed limit is 30 mph.

For single carriageway roads the national speed limit is 60mph.

For dual carriageways and motorways the national speed limit is 70mph.
For built-up urban roads with street lighting the national speed limit is 30 mph.

For single carriageway roads the national speed limit is 60mph.

For dual carriageways and motorways the national speed limit is 70mph.

i bow toy our superior knowledge of speed limits, bet your a great laff to have a pint with:doh:
I once did over 90mph in a disco I used to have. At that point bits started to fall off and I had to slow down or there'd have been nothin left by the time I got home.

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