How fast is you

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We always quote stopping distances for vehicles, but in a head on crash they're halved. The fact they're smashed up so badly is a good thing. The force of the impact was absorbed as the vehicles crumpled. From the look of the vehicles peeps would be lucky to get out alive. Humans are quite brittle. We don’t often think of ourselves in that way.

We all make mistakes on the road. It’s those who choose to learn by their mistakes which make the better drivers.
We all make mistakes on the road. It’s those who choose to learn by their mistakes which make the better drivers.

I'm hoping to god that Winnie the Pooh Murderer reads these replies and learns from his mistake!
Certainly land rovers have a pretty bad stopping distance but with all the parafanalia many have I would be interested to what it is.

And am pretty concious my defender doesnt have airbags.

But to do 80 with a caravan you might as well preorder your wooden box.
By the looks of those photos, Dave's lucky to have a spinal cord left to be whiplashed!

I dread to think what could have happened if the load on the back wasn't secured adequately upon impact, another thing I see far too much of. As an example I seen a D3 towing a tri axle trailer on the A5 near Lutterworth with a mercedes sprinter on the back with what looked like a wheel strap on one rear and one front wheel.

A heavy impact on the front and that Sprinter would go straight through the back of the towing vehicle I suspect.
Yeah I know frequently see vehicles bouncing around on the back of trucks.

Hell I had a nasty one in 2007. Flatbed recovery wagons doing 60 in fast lane ( before anyone says I know) que behind him. Me in central lane. He comes across, no lights and back of his ramp goes across my bonnet (focus) I spun out hit pretty much everything. I also remember being in air looking down at central reservation.
Ended up under him. But ok.

He said he had driven up to liverpool that morning from exeter. And being as he was going south and it was 4 pm I imagine he just turned and came back. He had a car on. Said he must have drifted off.
I think the little leafer has forgotten the laws of accidents: anything can happen. Tratters may be strong, but during an accident all sorts of abnormal pressure is applied to the vehicle. Hence the engine going under the driver in the above example.

I never said it was safe, especially in a crash; just that if your going to tow then nothing else will better it, thus the 'best' option for dangerous driving. surely?
I never said it was safe, especially in a crash; just that if your going to tow then nothing else will better it, thus the 'best' option for dangerous driving. surely?
Best option for a crash isn't a strong vehicle. A tratter doesn't have any real form of crumple zone. Crumple zones crumple during accidents. May not sound significant but they're engineered to do so. Crumple zones absorb the energy of impact during a crash. If your looking for a vehicle to have a crash in whilst towing at speed, then a D3/D4 or new type range rover would be best. They have the power/strength to tow at speed and have suitable crumple zones as well as things like air bags.

The big problem with having a crash is the fact you may injure yerself. Worst still, you may injure someone else. The effect of this isn’t always what you expect. Just because yer carted off to the hospital doesn’t mean to say your off the hook. The pigs may pop over to see your well enough to be arrested. This could happen as yer getting into the ambulance. It could be a few weeks later when your fit and well and have forgotten it, but someone’s death or the results of an investigation find you possibly at fault. Its for this reason so many have knocked the idea behind this thread. Few peeps like the idea of a hypothetical question about which is the best vehicle for a crash at speed whilst towing dangerously. More peeps spend their life trying to avoid danger. Stay safe.
People like that really boil me blood, see it all the time - woman (yes, it normally is) in expensive SUV-type Audi/Jeep/Merc, automatic, pull out regardless, foot down, no regard for others. :mad:

Glad your friend was OK, poor Landy though - no sympathy for her whatsoever.

That's why all our insurance is as expensive as it is, we have to cover nob heads like her :mad:
Mine can do well over 80, and has, but mostly it does whatever speed I want it to .. which is usually 60+ on the motorway, enough not to block trucks, but slow enough to enjoy driving without stress and being able to see the countryside.

I did all my racing years ago, couldn't care now, just take it as it comes .. mostly muddy and slow as ...
Then you're a grade-A moron who shouldn't be allowed on the road. Period. :mad:

It's sheer luck and not skill that you didn't have a horrific accident and wipe innocent others out.
What the hell gives you the right to put other peoples lives at risk like that?

The look on your face being sent down for death by dangerous driving would be more 'priceless' than that of those witnessing your 80+mph towing antics.
Assuming you'd of survived, that is.

Our tweaked TD5 110 got 115mph on the sat nav with all the overland gear on, including roof tent. It was probably not safe, cretainly didn't feel safe; defender + 115mph = scary!!



Done just over 80 pulling my caravan down the A64, stupid yes, seeing the look on peoples faces priceless :D

Now that's just silly.

My landy could tow my horse trailer at that speed, easy, but just cos it can doesn't mean it's going to. In fact, due to the safety of me, my horse and other road users my top speed is 50mph on a dual carriageway, but usually 45mph, no more than 30mph on single carriageway, yes I **** off people behind me but I don't care. Even at 30mph with 1.5tonnes of moving cargo, stopping in an emergency is no mean feat.
I tend to just sit in the slow lane at between 50-55 (TD5 90). She's happy at that speed and so am I. I want my engine and transmission to remain in good condition. I'm also painfully aware that I am essentially driving a 60 year old car with no airbags or safety features. If I stack it at 50, I hopefully stand a slightly better chance of emerging from the wreckage not wrapped in a bodybag.
My 90 is soooooo fast I get where I'm going before I left!!!

Who gives a flying fcuk how fast a landy goes!!

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