
Well-Known Member
Well i fitted a new clutch kit 6 months ago..

clutch started slippin about a month ago.. checked everything i could and decided the gearbox would have to come out to have a look at the clutch..

with the assistance of paul and danny, out came the box, and the clutch plate was fubar!

loads of the copper coloured wire but not much friction material left, it appeared to have crumbled and there were a lot of holes in one side of the plate. other side of plate was perfect?

now i dont do racing about or drag racing away from lights..

so was it defective?

supplyer is goin to return it to valeo but he dont hold out much hope for a refund, so i had to buy another clutch kit (£85) and fit that or wait with the car aff the road til i got a response from valeo. no one has ever managed to get a refund, to his knowledge, as its a wear n tear part.

Anyone else managed to wear out a clutch in 6 months?

or am i just special?
I've had vehicles do 120,000 miles on a clutch, so that seems odd, they shouldn't break up, though I have seen it before.
Did the gearbox come away from the clutch easily?? It sounds to me that the clutch plate could have been tight on the splines hence wearing one side out.
My Disco has done 163k on it's original clutch and still going strong.
both times the gearbox split easily and returned just as easy.. used an old output shaft to line everything up before putting back together..

didnt have to use bolts to pull em together, paul just laid under back axle n put his foot on drum n pushed while i lined up the studs with the bell housing..

checked the splines for wear too n they were fine...

cant see me gettin any joy from valeo..

mines just passed 180k
well r lass went a bit lite when i sed i had to spend another 85 quid..

usual moanes, "bloody cars a money pit", "ya forever spending money on that car", "why dont ya buy a new proper car".. blah blah blah..

so she just rings me,,,

having a chat with her mate bout me spending 85 quid on new clutch.. her mate gets a call from garage tellin her to come collect her gaylander as they have finished putting the clutch in...

"oh and bring 770 quid with ya"!!!!

r lass seems to be in a better mood all of a sudden..
my mate used to go through a HD clutch every 6 weeks but then he was running a 3.1 Isuzu engine with a combine turbo on it (bloody monster of a thing) running about 2 bar of boost and about 230bhp used to drift like mad we did a few naughty things in it upsetting boy racers in little corsas and 106s etc
The clutch plate is marked up with flywheel side, I assume you are fitting it the right way round. Some clutches will go back together the wrong way round, not sure a Disco clutch can.
I'm also assuming the friction area of the flywheel is in good condition too.
was fine for a few months then noticed biting point getting higher til it started to slip in 4th..

then it started to slip in 3rd n 5th, so took it apart n found friction material on one side had "crumbled" leaving what looked like copper wire exposed on the surface..

changed the clutch the first time cos the fork had snapped so put new clutch kit in at same time as replacing the fork..
you class that as short life? i recently fitted a britpart heavy duty item, within 150 miles the thrust bearing crapped itself and destroyed everything in its way, its been returned to supplier and im awaiting a refund of it.
a valeo item was fitted in its place with a nippon thrust bearing and so far its doing far better than the britpart item.
and yes everything was fitted correctly!
woo hoo...

just got a call from adventure 4x4..

valeo agreed clutch was defective and refunded my Wonga....

happy days, can buy a new lift pump now...

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