
New Member
Fortunately I don't have to do much motorway driving - which is good becasue I seem to be the slowest vehice on the road! :(

65 and you can watch the fuel gauge go down.

Anyone got a spare fifth gear they aren't using.

Can anyone answer the question as to why all Series owners wave to each other when they pass on the road - my partner finds it very amusing. :D
Firegazer, I think Land Rover series drivers give you a wave in recognition, that you're an individual who is not prepared to drive a computer designed clone that seems to infest our roads today.
It's funny the same thing used to happen to me when I had an MGA 1600, I thought in those days MG drivers were the only ones that did that. I had the MG for 8 years and I noticed some drivers would get a bit shirty if I didn't return a wave.I didn't do it intentionally, I was probably deep in thought, and didn't see them.
A little bit of help for you... I own a series 3 Diesel landy and it also only did 65mph and that was with the foot to the floor. It was loud and screeming its T*ts off. If you can afford it buy some second hand defender 90 diffs and fit them. Mine now does 80mph down hill.

Well worth the time money and effort... :)
Hey Miniman, would you recommend that as a mod above fitting an overdrive? Mine's a 2.25 diesel too.

Must say having picked up my 1984 III this weekend & having covered 400 miles bringing her home to Bournemouth from Anglesey (& returning 29 mpg overall, way impressed!) through glorious Snowdonia & the Brecons I rarely found sitting at 50 to be a problem. Even on the motorway (M4) I just sat back, chilled & flashed main beam at the truckers when they had sufficiently overtaken to pull back in (God, I'd forgotten truck etiquette!)

As for the waving, I only passed two series' on the way home & both waved back. Up to now I've exclusively driven "proper" Mini's & ridden motorcycles, both of whom's drivers/riders wave to eachother.

I agree with Aussieron, I find it warming that there's still that recognition between individuals who choose through their mode of transport to remain individual (plus I can't wait to try Aussierons mods with veggie oil & start p***ing all over the tax man & Shellessobp!) ;)

My GF thought it funny too, but I've always liked it & make an effort to wave. it is just warming recognition.

Firegazer, I'd just say, chill, kick back & enjoy the feel of the beasty you're driving. It'll still be stonking on at a steady 50 when they've all turned to rust! If you find yourself getting restless, maybe fit a CB or a good CD player & try to enjoy the "getting there", it aint'ent ever going to be a Ferrari :D

Thanks for the replies chaps.

Miniman, how much for the diffs do you reckon. I must admit that I am no mechanic so I guess I would have to pay for them to be fitted too.

Marcus/Aussieron, I think you hit the nail on the head. Life seems to go at a different pace when you get in your SIII, and I love the fact that you feel like you are in a special club when a fellow owner gives a flash or wave.

Is the beard mandatory??
Well, I've been waved back at without a beard so I don't think it's de riguer for the club................I do find myself looking at green waterproof clothing in a way that I never used to though thinking "hmmm, that looks practical". :eek:

If you feel left out without a beard you could always get a clip on one & keep it in the cubby box. It'll keep the wind chill off your face come the winter!;)
I have no Idea what price but if you look around I am surew you could pick them up cheep may be £60 to £70 a set if you look hard enough.
If you change the diff you will also need to change the speedo to a 90 as it would be out. I have done this and its great. Its alot better as driving at 50mph its not revving to hard at all and this has got to be good for you and the engine. Its alot quieter is what I mean and the engine will last alot longer. I can stay in forth gear till 30mph any less and I need to change gear but its still alot better. If you can afford it get it done. If you are any good with spanners you can do it yourself the rear is well easy to do. The front is a bit more tricky but I did mine the cheats way. If you need help and advice on this then just message me when you get the diffs and not a problem.....:)
Also, don't be mistaken that Defenders cruise smoothly and at high speed. Mine does 65 relatively comfortably but at 70 it feels like I'm thrashing it. That's with a 5th gear too! Yeah the power steering's nice and the steering itself doesn't wander but it ain't that much of an upgrade from a Series when it comes to speed or noise! ;)
Blimey, they always come flying past me............but it's good to know they're suffering in the process! ;)

Actually, what I really mean's comforting to know it's not much of an upgrade. Any idea what difference that extra 15mph makes to mpg? What do you get on a longish trip?
I'm sure the newer Defenders go faster still and do it more quietly but mine is an '89 2.5 turbo diesel in great nick for the year (engine rebuild etc) and returns about 25mpg - up to the early thirties on a run. Yeah it's a BIT quieter than my Series and yes it goes A BIT faster but it's still in the same ball park! Defenders are 'better' in the respect you get disc brakes, power steering, more economical engines etc but the rest is very similar. :)
Well I would like to tell you what MPG I get out of the old series 3 Diesel but I don't know. But it is alot better than it used to be. As I understand the CAV distributor pump has its own mixture setting inside the pump which at high revs the mixture is ALOT to say the least and at low revs its weak so with the diffs in its alot better. My mate has a defender 110 turbo diesel and mine is quicker than his off the mark but at about 50mph he is catching up with me. Once you get it rolling its fine. Hills are ok but there is more of a loss of power as the diffs are a greater gearing. There is I must add a very big difference between 3rd and 4th gear. I cant stress how much it is worth doing fitting the diffs. Its alot quieter and less vibration than when it was on the old diffs. If you lived near I would let you have a drive and you would be getting new diffs fitted trust me. I was looking into fitting a small Turbo to the engine but its a big job so I think I will experiment on my spare engine I have. I was not looking for a great boost and no I am not a boy racer. I just want a little boost at low revs. I play around alot off road and when I do a big hill just as you get to the top the revs are lost and it needs just a little bit extra (MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE GONE TO THE HALIFAX) to get over the top. I was thinking of fabricating something like a 1.9 Turbo off a Renault or a Peugeot then you got to look at the compressions in the head and will the crank take it. QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS. You got to look at everything when you are thinking of making a change my grandad used to say to me. Dam he was right. :)
Our Series three ran off the clock with more to go on the flat straight bit of the M65 (at least it's normally flat and certainly ai'nt in a Series Landie at whoknowshowmuchover 90mph!)

It was on Range Rover Classic Diffs and powered by a 3 litre V6 Ford Engine though ...........:D

Not that it's anything to be proud of achieving these speeds in a two ton truck with bad steeing and nearly no brakes eh :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

economy used to be so good in it, I have decided it wasn't like a proper Landy at all, so it is now back on Landy diffs, and has a whacking 3.5 V8 in it...:D :D

At least now it sounds like a proper Landy, and it sets off in fourth gear too:p

Economy ?? ;)
Nope, your right, wouldn't fancy doing 90 without a serious brake upgrade & a complete steering overhaul! Bet seeing that thing coming scared the BMW's though?

My 84 Series III returned 29mpg on the run back from Anglesey to the South coast which I was surprised & pretty chuffed with. I was expecting much less.

Really going to seriously weigh up the pros & cons of the diff' idea. Yep, loads of questions & some serious thinking........hmm, not my strong point!
I have a TD5 110 std no intercooler mods or chips [excluding the windscreen] - It is without doubt the fastest vehicle on earth.
I am 100% certain of this due to numerous experiences of being the person at the front of the line of traffic.;)

I used to have reasonably fast vehicles the last being an Alfa 156 20v JTD, my last m'bike being a 1100cc Suzuki GSXR. Moving back to a slower vehicle has not made any significance difference to journey times. However, I can now carry anybody or anything I need at the destination.:)
Think I could be the fastest here...The first trip in any new car is allways gonna be the quickest, need to go a long way home, and a bit too excited about the new toy. My 1960 SII '88 did a noisy 75mph up the A1 (as measured by GPS, not the speedo) A 2.25 petrol with overdrive. Oh yeah, and wheels from a 110 may well have helped a bit I guess! I'm in less of a hurry these days...
Well I got news for you lot....

I did 85mph in my 2.25 D today on the way to blackburn BUT ( BIG BUT ) I came back with a few oil leaks. Hope to get them fixed for the funday this weekend. 85mph...... I can prove it again if you want to come along and sit in.... Hard work keeping it in the white lines tho.....:(

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