
New Member
Please delete this if it is considered "advertising", but I just spent all afternoon making a video that hopefully explains how "diff lock" works and a bit about when to use it etc...

[nomedia=""]YouTube - How Diff Lock Works and When To Use It[/nomedia]

I realise almost everyone on here knows this already, but when I started out with the Landy, I wasn't sure and had to look it up and read about it.

Now I know what it does, I figured I'd make a video to hopefully make the explanation a little easier.

Let me know if ya like it, and let me know if it sucks! Also, if you think it's good, feel free to embed it wherever you like, of course. If it's actually good, i'd quite like it to become THE reference video for explaining the "diff lock" topic! :)
Watched it, looks good to me! Helpful info for those who haven't got their heads round it.

It could be improved though with a voice over I think, would make it more interesting.

Good job though :)
Yeah... a bit quiet, isn't it.

I'm no good with voiceovers though. In fact, I hate being recorded, so it'll probably never have a voiceover. It can't have a voiceover now anyway unless I re-upload it and give it a new URL etc... and i'm not doing that! :)

Shame really... as you say, I quite like it, but did think it was a bit quiet. Oh well - it can't change now!
anyone fancy making this thread "sticky"?? no pressure, of course. if you think it's *that* amazing though, do feel free!
Yeah I would definitely support this being made into a sticky - would be another weapon in the war on noob questions! :D
:eek: its possibly still a bit technical for me:eek:

I dont really want or need to know why or how the diff lock works but do need to know how to do it - by that I mean - showing the gear stick position, what gear do you start off in on your normal gears etc - how do you decide - im talking a janet & john version of the dvd - would be great - still think you are coming at it from the perspective of blokes who know what youre doing - imagine getting in a landy for the first time and not having the faintest clue how or what the diff lock is - im talking real real basics please :eek:- sorry

but great great idea to have the explanation in a video form:)
Point taken :)

Next time I'm off roading, I'll try to put another video together (I'll call it part 1 & this video can become part 2 perhaps)!

I assume all Land Rovers have low-lock at top left & high-unlock at bottom right... with neutral in the middle (front to back wise)? can someone confirm?
:eek: its possibly still a bit technical for me:eek:

I dont really want or need to know why or how the diff lock works but do need to know how to do it - by that I mean - showing the gear stick position, what gear do you start off in on your normal gears etc - how do you decide - im talking a janet & john version of the dvd - would be great - still think you are coming at it from the perspective of blokes who know what youre doing - imagine getting in a landy for the first time and not having the faintest clue how or what the diff lock is - im talking real real basics please :eek:- sorry

but great great idea to have the explanation in a video form:)

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Around The Corner (1937) How Differential Steering Works[/nomedia]

More your style? :D
Low forwards High backwards Difflock to the left. but ya can have diff lock in high range anorl ya know dun't have to bwe on low range.
Point taken :)

Next time I'm off roading, I'll try to put another video together (I'll call it part 1 & this video can become part 2 perhaps)!

I assume all Land Rovers have low-lock at top left & high-unlock at bottom right... with neutral in the middle (front to back wise)? can someone confirm?

imagine teaching some clueless middle aged bird and having to explain things that are blatently obvious to the entire rest of the world in words of less than two sylables - thats what im talking about :D:eek:
Low forwards High backwards Difflock to the left. but ya can have diff lock in high range anorl ya know dun't have to bwe on low range.

Yeah, yeah, I know that :D

I was trying to get the lever positions across in as few words as possible! lol

Question is... Are the lever positions the same for all Landy's? I assume they are, but ya never know...
imagine teaching some clueless middle aged bird and having to explain things that are blatently obvious to the entire rest of the world in words of less than two sylables - thats what im talking about :D:eek:

Sounds good to me! I guess my video is a little more generic (i.e. not Land Rover specific). My next video will be a Land Rover specific one!

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