CO2 in a bucket? Ha ha! been there, done it, or something very similar.
As a GPO telephone engineer apprentice, a long time ago, I was told about CO2 collecting in the cable manholes and how to get it out.
After testing for and finding CO2 using a miner's davy lamp, the CO2 should be baled out with a bucket; in other words, stand at the top of the manhole with a bucket on a length of string and lower it into the hole, making sure that it tips on it's side at the bottom. Then pull the bucket up out of the hole, being careful not to spill any of the contents and pour away down the gutter.
Actually true, but yer don't half feel a wally doin' it.

Sounds like a prank that someone would play on an apprentice!! Actually a good point though, i cant think of another way of getting it out.
Sounds like a prank that someone would play on an apprentice!! Actually a good point though, i cant think of another way of getting it out.
It might sound like a prank, but it was written up as the accepted method in the EI's or Engineering Instructions on the subject of testing for and removal of various gases, both explosive/inflammable and asphyxiating.
One of the best pranks played on me during my apprenticeship was in one of the main telephone exchanges. I was sent to the storeman (who was well rehearsed) for a jar of "special" extra fine solder. I was then asked to solder up a very small joint, and reminded that this special solder was very expensive. I had been given a jar containing very long hairs. The engineers ****ed themselves, probably been playing this one on new apprentices since the 60's.
Oh, also sent to stores for a long weight!
One of the best pranks played on me during my apprenticeship was in one of the main telephone exchanges. I was sent to the storeman (who was well rehearsed) for a jar of "special" extra fine solder. I was then asked to solder up a very small joint, and reminded that this special solder was very expensive. I had been given a jar containing very long hairs. The engineers ****ed themselves, probably been playing this one on new apprentices since the 60's.
Oh, also sent to stores for a long weight!
Sending a sprog to the woman in stores for 3feet of fallopian tubing is also good for a giggle:D. Its not called victimisation............its character building:rolleyes:
a stick of liquid glue, a tub of elbow grease , a new sky hook , a long weight ( wait) to balance carbeurettors with, the list goes on , for apprentices that thought they were smarter than us we made them stand on a 5 gallon oil drum by the petrol pumps and sing Christmas carols while wearing welding goggles.........:rolleyes:
I have also been instructed to cook a full fry up in the back of a moving gang lorry - on a single gas ring. They did shout when we were approaching a roundabout though, must have been a bit soft on me!

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