I don't understand why people go to so much trouble advertising a vehicle that isn't available at the price on the add, if it's available at all. What do they hope to gain.
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I see. I assume this is why some of them say to email them directly, rather than going though EBay. Giving some speal about spam filters not letting EBay derived emails through.
I'm so glad I've never replied to these scumbags, largely out of fear because I'm not IT savvy.
What could the outcome be regarding these alleged encrypted emails?

bank details, passwords?
They get removed within a few minutes of them being linked on here. So I'm assuming the originators of these ads are using some form of automated search, looking for links to the ads. The contact emails look familiar in these ads, before they are removed.

The original RR I saw for £4K, is still up however.
Your right, most are gone now, they will be back as this has been going on for yonks.
Maybe ebay are turfing them out, at least they ought to be doing that!

I advertised a car on ebay 2 years ago and from memory I had to wait a while until it was 'approved', maybe I'm delusional and you can throw any old crap up on there?
I smell a rat, he looks on here and he can see the links to his ads with the disparaging comments, so then he removes the ad briefly and re-lists it so the original linky becomes redundant.
He is brushing over his footprints I suppose because the ads are reappearing.

I think?

Edit; They've all gone in the few minutes of me writing, maybe it's ebay policing after all.
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I'm so glad I've never replied to these scumbags, largely out of fear because I'm not IT savvy.
What could the outcome be regarding these alleged encrypted emails?

bank details, passwords?
Viruses work in different ways. If it is a Trojan horse it's more a nuisance than malicious (however it can delete files and damage information on your computer) ,it does not replicate itself to spread BUT it can allow a malicious file in through a 'back door' .
A 'virus' is just a file written by some loser to damage other computers. It gets in,duplicates and attaches to other files in your pc. It works by erasing data and corrupting files.
If you get a 'worm' your computer is knackered with a capital F. They are horrible little gits that don't need you to press anything, click anything or visit anywhere. They exploit 'holes' in software and hardware (which is why you hear of patches for your OS , etc) doing nothing is the best way to let them in.
Hope that answers your question but there is lots of info on them out in the geek side of the internet. Remember to put anti-virus on everything, your desktop, your laptop,your tablet/notebook and the one most forget .......your phone!

P.s don't forget to keep an eye on your router, as it too can be hacked and then all your passwords, bank details, secure log ins may be stolen by routing you to a fake site.:D
Thankful I bank in the traditional manner, presently no indications of my PC dragging it's ass along the carpet or Troy carpenters constructing really big go carts, worryingly I've now got a sniffle so I'm probably going die.:(

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