I think that's the problem. A lot are taken off drives. If its during the day it doesn't look suspicious. Some time ago a broken down car near here got stolen when the owner went to get help. It apprears a passing recovery truck picked it up and cleared off.
get a tracker ive got one you can get them for under £20 (look on ebay) put a PAYG sim in it every time you ring it it texts back with the exact location, ive not had it in long but every time ive tested it it's been within a few yards

a lot of cars stolen to be stripped are often nicked and parked up somewhere for a few days just to see it they have a tracker on as the thief doesn't want it tracing back to their yard/unit so they leave them and go back if its still there they assume no tracker
That looks like a good idea. Just looked up trackers on e-bay and they seem to be around £14 (excl sim) so I'll get one. But it says they must be fitted without metal above them and suggests in the dash or parcel shelf under a window which could be a bit tricky, I won't ask you to publicise where you fitted yours (doh) but some ideas would help. Was it easy to set up?
Update, just ordered one for £11 so I'll post how I get on. it should arrive in a week.
I'm afraid you can buy signal blockers - also of eBay....makes most trackers useless for 2 quid
yes you can but they wont leave it parked up with a signal blocker on they will only use that when they are driving in it

i'm not saying with a tracker you'll always get it back but it makes it a higher chance you will and at £11 + £5 for a PAYG sim you'd be kicking yourself if it got nicked and you hadn't bothered
That looks like a good idea. Just looked up trackers on e-bay and they seem to be around £14 (excl sim) so I'll get one. But it says they must be fitted without metal above them and suggests in the dash or parcel shelf under a window which could be a bit tricky, I won't ask you to publicise where you fitted yours (doh) but some ideas would help. Was it easy to set up?
Update, just ordered one for £11 so I'll post how I get on. it should arrive in a week.
i'll not say where i fitted mine but put it this way put it where you most want it and test it - you'd be surprised
some have a battery in but i guess the £11 one doesn't (also some are waterproof) if it doesn't have a battery they when they disconnect your battery it will stop it working

and it doesnt even need setting up just works out of the box - you can get apps that give live feedback etc even ones that cut power to the vehicle if it leaves a preset distance from home etc but mine is just a basic one, tbh i just bought it to see how good it was i'm tempted to get a more expensive one now
if you have any issues setting it up pm me if you want i'll go through how mine works
I have a loop of chain round the clutch pedal which is padlocked to the steering wheel. It'll slow them down more than any of it's standard security features would. At night I block it in with another vehicle which has somewhat more modern security.
Install an anti-theft grizzly bear;)

Dig a big hole and bury it. Or paint one side like a brick wall and park in front of the house- can't nick it if they can't find it:D
Years ago I had a Ford Cortina and was living on the 2nd floor in a tower block. The Cortina was parked up in the (car thief paradise) car park, so I would take out the rotor arm and put it in my pocket. One evening I heard a car cranking, turning over and over, I looked out the window and some bast*rd was in my car!
I ran down the stairs as fast as I could manage, picking up a milk bottle off the doorstep on my way, he was gone when I got down. Walking back shaking and angry as hell, the **** came strolling out of the shadows. I challenged him but he claimed it wasn't him, he was just on his way home from work (this would be why he was carrying a pair of gloves, a hacksaw, and a big screwdriver). I was just about to smack him around the head with my milkbottle when a police car passed by. They stopped. Turns out he was 'known' to them and they took him away. Ah the good old days hey!
My cheap tracker is sitting on the bench waiting for me to decide where to fit it and face up to learning how to set it up, but just to remind me how important it is look at this:
That looks like a series in the background, in the shed with the white top.
And they only got caught becuase a camper they stole had a tracker and the owner tracked it and went and had a look and saw all the Land rovers then called the Police. (Who at that point actually did something).
Deciding where to fit a tracker is always a problem on cars especially the cheapo ones. If they are closely surrounded by metal, the signal can be blocked. It might be worth disguising it as something else and leaving it in plain sight close to a window.

We had a car in at work which had the starter relay wired through a standard-looking switch in the dash in one of the unused slots. Given that most series 3's have an array of unmarked switches, having something similar would be simple if you know it's there, but slow down someone who didn't.
You'd think not, but it certainly had us stumped for a good 10 minutes...

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