Well I thought my landy was leak free. Untill a downpour last week showed water ingress. BUT it was parked nose up on a steep hill so Ithought "OK the roof drains are at the front so it'll be water running over the back of the drain tray"
So I started parking it nose downhill and all was OK till today. We've had torrential rain all day epic rain in fact. Water coming out of the seatbelt holes has soaked the carpets and the front seats. There are water marks on the roof lining above the front seatbelt mounts and water drips on the rear sunroof winder handle. I did seal all the front roof last year and it seems OK there. I'm gutted at the minute and need to work out the best way to dry it out now. I'm thinking of running a dehumidifier in it till the weekend so at least I will be able to sit in it and drive it ( or a bin liner on the seats) do these dehumidifiers work?? or will I need to strip all the carpets out as well. :(:(
I have a boxster which was soaked with a cm of water. Leaving roof of with heater did not work. Eventually got a carpet cleaner and used the hose attachment to suck up 3 litres of water. Car dried up fully a week later.

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