danny dorito

Active Member
Just came across this disco 1 for sale on john craddocks website. now I don't know much about disco's and there rotting floors and sills so could anyone tell me how bad this looks just from the pics? looks like there is red paint on the rubber door sills on the rear arches so possibly been repaired in the past or just tried to hide the rust.


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thanks for the reply. I know I wont get anything that is perfect, just not looking to buy something that's going to need new panels welding in as soon as I get it.
Looks like the rear arches have been touched up, can see paint on the door rubbers? - might be worth some investigation
Get under it and poke and prod with a screwdriver

Boot floor above rear axle may be gone, take a torch, even if it is, its not the nightmare you might think to replace, the floor panel's only about 70 quid, takes a few hours to do, most people do the A frame BJ at the same time

Apart from that, it looks a tidy enough unmolested one

He may move on the money a bit too

good luck with it!
don't really fancy cutting up a car I just paid best past of 2 grand for so think ill give it a miss. red paint all over door catches so looks like someone has attempted to hide it.

cheers anyway guys
don't really fancy cutting up a car I just paid best past of 2 grand for so think ill give it a miss. red paint all over door catches so looks like someone has attempted to hide it.

cheers anyway guys

The thing is that almost all TDi 300's of this age will have or have had some rust issues - bear in mind it's a vehicle which 16 or 17 yrs old. Also Craddocks always ask top dollar.

Really for this era of Disco you should be paying under £1000 leaving sufficient in your budget to put things right - there will be work to do, don't fool yourself.

For your £2000 you could also get a DII TD5 and they don't have body rust problems. They DO rust in the rear end of the chassis though!!

You're talking about buying an old car, so have patience, look carefully and you'll find a good'un.

Good luck

Also the lower edges of back door has a splash of new red paint, inside of the near side head lamp is corroding and the wheels have had a spruce up with silver paint.
And whats been happening with the exposed loom and the additional 'unprotected' blue wiring along the inner wing, and carpet needs cleaning as well. :(
Also check that the spare wheel matches the rest as some times a steel one is fitted.

Overall nothing that can't be sorted on a warm summers day, is it worth £2000, well is a base model so probably not.
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I'm having the same problem looking for a 300 tdi. Reading all the buyers guides I'm slowly getting the idea that rust is the main problem but with their age I'm not expecting to find one totally rust free. Just need to work out which bits are easy to repair and can be used to knock a few shillings off the asking price and which are a sign to run away :)

i bought a d1 for 900quid was hoping to patch up sills for mot but looking at the bodges found i've decided to sort the welding out propperly and strip off a lot of monies worth of underseal used to hide rot! mine looked tidy as but turned into a bit of a lemon!
Yeah I'd rather get one that hasn't been welded so I can sort it and know it's done properly. I can't weld myself but the guy in the next unit to me is very good and charges me mates rates.
I was looking for a D1 rust free also . Whatever rust you spot on viewing is often only a fraction of what exists ! Back floor repairs not too bad sills arches are a pig in my view.
That's what worries me, the mechanical side isn't a problem and basic electrics I can handle. I ought to go and look at one getting the inner sills done I suppose so I can see first hand.

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