Don't usually last longer than 50k without a rebuild as the rotor tips/seals go and the combustion becomes awful. They use alot of oil too like a 2 stroke almost.
Norton too: Norton Rotary

Anyone else remember the NSU Ro80?


When owners saw one coming the other way like bikers they gave each other the signal

Except with the Ro80 they used to hold fingers up to show how many engines they'd had fitted under warranty , so I read anyway.

A guy at work had a RX8 , ran it out of oil like a lot did, then it had a water leak, he took it to a garage, they lifted the bonnet, looked puzzled then sent him on his way.

They look a bargain but money pit springs to mind , a lot got sold early on because they had a back seat and that third door so some companies allowed them as company cars because they didn't fall foul of the no 2 door cars allowed

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