My understanding is the main problem with most car trip computers is how they calculate. Usually the trip measure uses a count of injector pulses plus the theoretical fuel pressure to calculate the fuel quantity used. Never gonna be perfect as the car ages.
My understanding is the main problem with most car trip computers is how they calculate. Usually the trip measure uses a count of injector pulses plus the theoretical fuel pressure to calculate the fuel quantity used. Never gonna be perfect as the car ages.
Bit like myself.:eek::D
Jeesh if I had a diesel and it was doing below 23mpg I'd be miserable.

The trip on my V8 is quite accurate, brim to brim over the last 2000mi I've been getting 20.3mpg on petrol and 16 on LPG

recent drive though at a steady 68mph on petrol


LPG is more than half the price of petrol so its doing the equiv of over 38mpg.

Not going to complain! :)
Jeesh if I had a diesel and it was doing below 23mpg I'd be miserable.

The trip on my V8 is quite accurate, brim to brim over the last 2000mi I've been getting 20.3mpg on petrol and 16 on LPG

recent drive though at a steady 68mph on petrol


LPG is more than half the price of petrol so its doing the equiv of over 38mpg.

Not going to complain! :)
A steady drive with my diesel will show up to 30mpg:D
Car at Wade Height or is that an EAS fault?
Sadly 'they' don't know anything different ... there's no university courses for common sense ;)
Too true:rolleyes: And no substitute for an apprenticeship with hands on experience, some of the designers don't even drive, or at least I used to know of one that did not.
I've always brim-to-brim fuelled. Old Yamaha 550 it told e when to change the air filter. Didn't feel it in performance but at 4000ish miles the air filter was shot and it dropped from 50 to 40mpg. Standard filter service was at 5000 miles - burned more in excess fuel sticking to that than the cost of the new filter early!
We brim-brimmed on Otto the other week for the first time. 14mpg seemed good enough considering the amount of time running on the drive going nowhere chasing the misfire and starting issues. And happy right foot once he was running sweet too!

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