
New Member
Apologies to those who have heard me whining about my new 110 before :blabla: but something's really bugging me. Any opinions on the following will be cherished:

1) My 110 is brilliant. Gears, clutch etc. all work perfectly under "normal" use :)

2) ... but after hammering along the Autobahn for an hour or so, when I come to the first lights and get into second there is a loud "clack, clack, clack..." in rhythm with the idle speed:wtf:. Its mostly in second with the clutch in but can vary a bit. It's REALLY loud from inside the cab but doesn't seem to affect the driving (i.e. clutch, gears behave normally, if loudly)

3) Is it faintly possible that a hot gear linkage or clutch bearing or something has so much play that it rattles ("clacks") without being buggered? I will never be able to repeat the "act" at the stealer...:doh:

Sorry - need someone else to advise

Could you record the noise - using a mobile phone or blackberry or ipod?
Okay - it's recorded (wife now gloating about how good her iPhone is...)

Can I post a sound?
