
New Member
Upon Inspection of my 2001 TD4 engine bay, I have noticed that the hose which runs along the front (it gets bloody hot) is showing signs of wear from rubbing against the oil dipstick housing.
Is there any fix for this as it will only be a matter of time before the hose develops a hole from constant rubbing?
I was thinking maybe of replacing the hose, but feel the potential problem will still arise and will only put off the inevitable.
Any ideas would be welcome.
Could you possibly fabricate a metal shield to place over it?
Maybe a piece of ally or steel plate and fix it with some Duct tape, would def do the job. Or even just some tape if you couldnt do it with metal.
I have a similar problem with mine but on an L series i just trimmed the housing and filed it to get rid of the sharp edges put tape on it and on the pipe, seems to have done the job.
Hope this helps
Had exactly this problem, resulted in the intercooler hose wearing through. The solution is reasonably easy. Firstly, buy a new hose, because by now it's probably weakened. Replace the hose, then cut 6" or so out of the old hose and split down lengthways. Wrap it over the top of the new hose where it's going to rub, then secure in place with cable ties. Metal cable ties are better, but nylon ones will suffice.

If you want double belt and braces, cut open a coke can (or similar) and cut a section out of the can so you end up with a thin metal curved plate. This can then be sandwiched between the inner new hose, and the extra reinforcing hose you're about to put on over the top.That way even if the outer hose wears through, it still won't get to the inner hose. I do a check on this every week when I check oil, water, etc. Keep the old hose, then when the extra outer section wears through, you can make another reinforcing bit.

Apologies to Tatooboo, but DO NOT USE DUCK TAPE on this hose, it gets bloody hot, then the adhesive melts and you end up with a right old mess that don't do the job. I know, because I had to do a quick "get you home" repair, and by the time I'd driven home (took an hour), it looked like a giant snail had crawled all over the hose, and it was leaking from the split again.


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I totally agree wigleystuff, if it was mine would do as you have said, but didnt want to tell someone else to fix with clips/ties ,JUST incase they put them a bit tight and squashed the pipe, i wasnt sure how apt at repairs teedee4 would be.
again thanks and i agree you are right,
P.s have done the same sort of thing on other motors in the past Coke cans and jubilee clips...DONT YOU JUST LOVE THEM...i think they should be standard items in anybodys tool box..
Cheers fellas, many thanks for the tips and advice. Much appreciated. Will make a start on it this weekend.
In the past I took my time to check the whole enginebay for rubbing hoses etc... Every location I saw a hose touching something or in my opinion being too close to some other part, I cut a gardenhose in length and put it over the hose and fixed with cableties. If the hoses were too big I cut a piece of a soft rubber plate to protect it against rubbing and also fixed with cableties.
In the past I took my time to check the whole enginebay for rubbing hoses etc... Every location I saw a hose touching something or in my opinion being too close to some other part, I cut a gardenhose in length and put it over the hose and fixed with cableties. If the hoses were too big I cut a piece of a soft rubber plate to protect it against rubbing and also fixed with cableties.
any pics willo ? :) :p :D
i had the same problem with the turbo hose rubbing on the top cover fastning screw head,
when i refitted the new hose , i was able to give it clearance by turning the hose and retightning the jublie clamps
the turbo hoses are a very common problem with the td4. . . .willo done a very good write up on this in-fact i followed his advice, if you get even the smallest pinprick hole in any of the three rubbers ,you'll have problems, and you cannot put tape round em as a get you home cos it sucks up hot black oil [and nothing can stick to it] any sign of damage replace asap, and well worth doing as the others have suggested. . . . .
any pics willo ? :) :p :D

Hi Ming,

Knowing you are in fact a very shy person I realise the tremendous mental effort you had to make in order to overcome your "real you" and to 'dare' to ask for pics. Therefore I feel it as my sacred duty to add some. Have fun.:D :D :D :D


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top marks for them pics, i will be under the bonnet this weekend inspecting them hoses for signs of rubbing ,,

"prevention cheaper than cure"

nother job to complete this weekend

Its gettin cold owt there na

Your own fault, this has been covered before (with accordeing pictures of course) while it was still warm and lovely weather outside .... serves you well to ignore interesting news in the summer....:D :D :D :D
Summer was spent completing Priority A repairs (A = Breakdwon/will not run)

This is priority B (B = if fails becomes an A)
Summer was spent completing Priority A repairs (A = Breakdwon/will not run)

This is priority B (B = if fails becomes an A)

:) :) :) :) :)
What other car gives you the option to divide its (possible) problems into categories of urgency ??? None...:D :D :D

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