
Hi All, sorry if this is a stupid question.

I have recently bought some silicone hoses for my defender 300tdi and am going to get some Mikalor Supra Hose Clamps (T-bolts) but i am unsure of which to buy as they only look to have a small tightening tolerance of a few millimetres.

I have measured the diameter of all the hoses and some of them are right on the limit of the clips.

For example: The diameter of the hose is 25mm and the hose clamps come in either 23mm to 25mm or 25mm to 27mm.

Should I go for the ones that tighten to the hose diameter or the ones that start at the hose diameter and go smaller??

Sorry if it’s a stupid question, it’s just they are not cheap and don’t want to get wrong ones.

Mikalors are nice, but as you are finding a pita to size up.
There are cheap copy ones on ebay, but tbh you cannot really beat the good old jub clip.
Mikalor hose clamps are first rate components, but so are the ASH equivalent...I buy mine here as they are correctly priced and have the full range in stock

The advantage with T-clamps is that they spread the clamping load over a wider hose area :. less pinch point and an evenly spread/better clamping. Just remember to lubricate when installing

Thank you, I knew there was another make and have been googling ADS ADS, but NOT ASH, back to ebay.

Sweet half the price of Mikalors.
New clips fitted, W4 spec, very nice, 10 for 21 quid, same in Mikalor was best part of 60 quid.

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