
I've just finished putting my head back back on the engine. I haven't yet put on the rocker shaft.

Now I manual turned the engine to see if the camshaft was free to turn....all was well....but as I was turning the engine I remembered that the rocker shaft wasn't on. Is all I need to do is keep turning the engine back around so that the dark chain links are either side of the line in the sprocket, then install the rocker shaft and adjust the screws starting from pot 1 ?

Cheers for your help
Ive never bothered finding the marked links.
Do you have a any timing pins? If you want to make sure of your timing you can lock the flywheel with one pin, then check the camshaft pin will fit as well.
If dont have pins you can just remove the plug on the bellhousing where the pin fits, then turn the engine until the camshaft slot is aligned, then pop back underneath with a torch and check the hole in the fly wheel is visible.
Above is a bit long winded! Pictures will show it better!
I've installed the rocker shaft and adjusted the pins for the injectors as per the rave manual. manually turned the engine loads and I don't seem to be hitting any valves so it must all still be correctly timed

for the crankshaft pin timing hole....I'm assuming that oil will come out if I remove the screw??
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