I am a new girl with a 1966 Series 2a SWB truck cab. I am a TOTAL novice but have wanted one for ages so expect it'll be a steep learning curve!!!! Joined the forum yesterday and bought me beauty last Thursday:D
they only come on here so they can flutter thur eyelashes and get some soft **** to help fix thur landies fer free. ah mean you never see them bring round a tray wiff tea and biccies on it. or offering to nip down the bookies fer you to put a line on. its all "eewww! men can't multitask like wot we can and i say ms catseyes did you see that rather interesting program on shoes last night?"
send them down to the bottom of the page beside the judas club

oh and one more thing...... welcome noo gurls
fook orf!! ave only got me big boots, they get a like of olish if i go some where posh or up to mr woo's

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