
New Member
Hi. My hooter just randomly went off while parked outside my house. Not used since yesterday and had no electrical issues before. I noticed that I had not parked the car with the front wheels straight, as soon as I turned the engine on and straightened them, the hooter turned off. Is this due to a temporary short in the steering wheel or something completely different? Any help would be appreciated; can't keep the neighbours, or myself up all night trying to sort this out!
It went off three more times! Had to take the fuse out in the end. Any ideas what's causing it?
Sticking horn buttons maybe, it's not unknown, which u would have found out if you had searched the forum.
sounds like a faulty volumetric sensor triggering the alarm system.
Mine also does it and I just make sure the buttons are centered. ( the flip down like a switch instead of a button ) always fine after, only done it twice in over a year:rolleyes:
Noticed the left button is not centred, seems depressed on the left of the switch. Will try sort out the coming weekend. Fortunately the alarm works fine. Cheers!
The wife had similar last night...continuous horn (not alarm) at 1am... how to impress the neighbours....not! I was an hour and a half's drive away at the time. About to reconnect the battery and kick its arse! I took the fuse out...just in case ... and reconnected battery. Fine. Checked horn switches were sitting properly. replaced fuse...and it blew! tried another - it blew too. now well confused. :confused:
as it was dependent on the steering wheel movement at a moment i presume it's a short in the rotor coupler ... not repairable only replaceable, but it could be a short in the relay's coil too, unplug the coupler(C0082) and if it still blows with it unplugged remove the relay(R13 engine bay fusebox)... when it stops blowing the fuse there's the trouble


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